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Matt Muscato attends The College at Brockport where he is a senior majoring in Meteorology and Computational Science with a minor in Mathematics. Working with Professor Christian Kummerow, Matt used the Kwajelein radar and the TMRM Microwave Imager (TMI) observational data to compare and validate the Chinese FengYun-3B Microwave Radiation Imager (MWRI) rainfall rates for July of 2011. The FY-3B was launched in November of 2010.

Matt created a database from the MWRI and then implemented it in the profiling software, GPROF, to calculate the rain rates using the radiative transfer model. He found that the MWRI rain rate and the TMI rain rate have a correlation of 84.06% with a bias of 9.35%. He expects this to do better than MWRI vs. the Kwajalein radar because the two sensors are very similar to each other and have a similar scanning processes.

The MWRI rain rate and the Kwajalein rain rate have a correlation of 91.92% with a bias of 51.11%. If Matt had run a years worth of data instead of a single month, he believes the Kwajalein vs. MWRI bias would decrease.

Dan's research poster, Rainfall Products from the Chinese FY-3B Satellite Microwave Radiometer, is available here.

Matt calls Canadaigua, New York home. He plays the clarinet and saxophone. He enjoys playing and watching sports and loves watching good thunderstorms. Lake Effect snow, modeling, clouds and biometeorology are among his research interests.

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