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Raymond looked at how convectively coupled Kelvin waves can be better represented in Global Climate Models (GCMs). His mentors were Professor Eric Maloney, post-doctoral researcher Jim Benedict and graduate student Walter Hannah. Raymond is a senior at North Carolina State University where he is studying Meteorology and Environmental Sciences.

Convectively coupled Kelvin waves are major weather producers in the tropics, however, they are not well represented in current GCMs. In order to improve Kelvin wave simulations, modifications can be made in the way the convection is treated in GCMs. A key feature of convection parameterization is the process of entrainment, which is the integration of dry, non-turbulent flow into a turbulent (and moist) cloud. Entrainment can limit cloud growth. In this study, Raymond investigated the consequences of enhancing the entrainment rate in the lower troposphere of a GCM.

Among his results, Ray found that the modified entrainment relationship improved Kelvin wave signal in the model representation overall. His full method and results may be found in his research poster, Analysis of Convectively Coupled Equatorial Kelvin Waves in a GCM with a Modified Entrainment Profile.

Raymond's other research interests include El Nino and La Nina anomalies, cloud formation, tornado formation and winter coastal cyclogenesis. He is also interested in the consequences of climate change and human adaptation to it along with climate change policy.

Ray calls Maniti, Puerto Rico home. He enjoys listening to music and loves watching both college basketball football. He has a passion for traveling, and was quite excited to come to Colorado for the summer.

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