Course Resources

Calendar & Lectures
Date Who WhatMaterials
8/20 David Randall, CSU Historical overview 1 Historical Overview
8/22 David Randall, CSU Historical overview 2
8/26 David Randall, CSU Dynamical cores 1 Dynamical Cores
8/27 David Randall, CSU Dynamical cores 2
8/29 David Randall, CSU Boundary layer parameterization 1 Boundary Layer
9/3 David Randall, CSU Boundary layer parameterization 2
9/5 no class
9/10 Andrew Gettleman, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Microphysics parameterizations Cloud Microphysics
9/12 Robert Pincus, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (virtual) Radiation parameterizations Radiation in earth system models
9/17 Nicholas Pedatella, NCAR/HAO Modeling the high atmosphere Development of high-top (whole atmosphere) models
9/19 Alice DuVivier, NCAR/HAO Sea ice models Sea Ice Modeling in the CESM
9/24 David Randall, CSU Cumulus parameterization 1 Cumulus convection
9/26 David Randall, CSU Cumulus parameterization 2
10/1 no class
10/3 Scott Denning, CSU Land surface and carbon cycle modeling Whistlestop Tour: Land-Surface Modeling & the Global Carbon Cycle
10/8 Student presentations Model overview
10/10 Student presentations Model overview
10/14 TBD TBD
10/15 Gokhan Danagasoglu, NCAR/CGD Ocean models 1 Ocean Modeling
10/17 Gokhan Danagasoglu, NCAR/CGD Ocean models 2
10/22 Jadwiga Richter, NCAR/CGD Gravity wave drag parameterizations Gravity Wave Parameterizations in Earth systems models ; animations
10/24 no class
10/29 Rich Loft, AreandDee LLC High-performance computing for ESMs High Performance Computing: The Challenge of Computational and Data Science
10/31 Rebecca Buchholz, NCAR/ACOM Chemistry parameterizations Modeling Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols
11/4 Dmitrii Kochkov, Google Neural GCMs Neural General Circulation Models
11/5 Brian Dobbins, NCAR/CGD Software infrastructure for ESMs
11/7 Gunter LeGuy, NCAR Continental Ice Sheets Land Ice and Earth System Models
11/12 Peter Jan van Leeuwen, CSU Data assimilation Data Assimilation for Earth System Models
11/14 Jon Petch, NCAR/CGD Operational NWP Operational NWP
11/19 Pat Keys, CSU People parameterizations
11/21 David Randall, CSU A look ahead
12/3 Student presentations Model focused
12/5 Student presentations Model focused
TBD David Randall, CSU Tuning
TBD David Randall, CSU Open source and Intercomparisons
including CMIP and IPCC


The above image was created by Prabat of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's visualization group using VisIT.
The data is output from a Randall group model and is a pseudocolor plot of land cover on the geodesic grid and 3D isocontours of vorticity.

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