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What causes climate and weather?

Distribution of Land and Water

On a hot day, land can heat up much more than oceans. But on a cold day, the oceans retain some of their heat and can be warmer than the land. This is because of the difference in heat capacity between land and seawater.

In general, temperature ranges are more moderate over the oceans than over the land.


Ocean Currents

currents Ocean currents carry millions of gallons of water around the globe. Currents (like the Gulf Stream) that flow poleward from the Equator carry warm water into relatively cool environments, while currents that flow from the Poles carry cold water into relatively warm environments.

Along the western boundaries of several large landmasses, there is a different kind of ocean current - one that flows upward and brings cold, deep seawater to the surface of the ocean. This causes cool temperatures and lots of fog in places like San Francisco.

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