Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. An object which has motion - whether it
be vertical or horizontal motion - has kinetic energy. There are many forms of
kinetic energy:
- vibrational - the energy due to vibrational motion
- rotational - the energy due to rotational motion
- translational - the energy due to motion from one location to another
Let's focus on translational kinetic energy. The amount of translational kinetic
energy which an object has depends upon two variables: the mass of the object
(related to weight) and the speed of the object. The following equation is used
to represent the translational kinetic energy of an object.
This equation reveals that the kinetic energy of an object is directly
proportional to the square of its speed. That means that for a twofold increase
in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of four. For a threefold
increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of nine! So we
see that kinetic energy is dependent upon the square of the speed.