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Cloud-Climate Interactions Breakout at CMMAP Team Meeting

From Peter Blossey
Date July 30, 2012

Dear Cloud-Climate Interactions (formerly Low Cloud Feedbacks) Group,

I will be leading the cloud-climate interactions breakout at the CMMAP team meeting in Fort Collins, which will be held on the first afternoon of the meeting (Tuesday, August 7th). I will give a talk on the CGILS LES intercomparison, and Prof. Masaki Satoh (who will be attending this meeting) will also give a talk. Other contributions are most welcome. We have two hours to fill, and it would be interesting to have other perspectives on cloud-climate interactions. Please contact me if you would like to give a talk.

Sincerely yours,


From Peter Blossey
Date July 31, 2012

Dear All,

So far we have five talks planned for the session:
  • Masaki Satoh (U Tokyo), Cloud responses simulated by NICAM
  • Andrew Gettelman (NCAR), Understanding climate sensitivity and cloud feedbacks in the evolution of a climate model from CMIP3 to CMIP5.
  • Kuan-Man Xu (NASA Langley), Conditions along the GPCI Transect as simulated in CAM5 and SP-CAM.
  • Mike Pritchard (UW), SP-CAM Forecasts of the MJO
  • Peter Blossey (UW), CGILS LES Intercomparison

Please let me know if anyone else would like to make a presentation as part of the breakout group. Thanks.

- Peter

PS While Mike Pritchard's talk on the MJO in SP-CAM may seem a bit out of place, participation in intercomparison efforts is part of the cloud-climate group's mandate. Our participation in CGILS and the MJO intercomparison represent two such efforts.

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