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Cloud-Climate Interactions Breakout at CMMAP Team Meeting

From Peter Blossey
Date August 6, 2012

Dear All,

Unless there are any late additions, we will have six talks in our breakout on Tuesday in Fort Collins. Let's plan on 20 minutes per talk, so that each speaker should aim to finish in a bit less than that to leave time for discussion/questions. It looks like it will be an interesting session. See you on Tuesday.

- Peter

PS Here are the talks. Let's tentatively plan on the following order:
  • Masaki Satoh (U Tokyo), Cloud responses simulated by NICAM
  • Andrew Gettelman (NCAR), Understanding climate sensitivity and cloud feedbacks in the evolution of a climate model from CMIP3 to CMIP5.
  • Marat Khairoutdinov (Stony Brook), Climate Sensitivity of a TC World
  • Mike Pritchard (UW), SP-CAM Forecasts of the MJO
  • Kuan-Man Xu (NASA Langley), Conditions along the GPCI Transect as simulated in CAM5 and SP-CAM.
  • Peter Blossey (UW), CGILS LES Intercomparison

From Kelley Wittmeyer
Date August 6, 2012

Hello group.

I just wanted to remind this group that Cloud-Climate Interactions was renamed "Cloud Feedbacks". I was a bit confused last week looking at the breakouts and wondered if others were in the same boat. So this working group appears as Cloud Feedbacks.


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