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Cloud Feedbacks Breakout at CMMAP Team Meeting

From Chris Bretherton
Date August 6, 2012

Dear Kelley,

   I was at the January meeting, and I also wasn't aware we had made this change.
My (possibly faulty) recollection was the opposite, that we had started with the name 'cloud feedbacks'
then broadened it to 'cloud-climate interactions' to encompass topics like cloud-aerosol
interaction simulations with SP-CAM, cloud cover simulation biases, etc.  


On 8/6/12 12:31 PM, Peter Blossey wrote:
Thanks, Kelley.  I wasn't at the January meeting and missed the name change. 

See you all at the Cloud Feedbacks breakout tomorrow afternoon.

 - Peter

On Mon, Aug 6, 2012 at 8:05 AM, Kelley Wittmeyer  wrote:
Hello group.

I just wanted to remind this group that Cloud-Climate Interactions was renamed "Cloud Feedbacks".  I was a bit confused last week looking at the breakouts and wondered if others were in the same boat.  So this working group appears as Cloud Feedbacks.


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