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Cloud-Climate Interactions Breakout at CMMAP Team Meeting

From Peter Blossey
Date January 11, 2013

Dear All,

I will be chairing the Clouds and Climate Breakout at the CMMAP team meeting in Boulder that's coming up in a couple of weeks. According to the provisional agenda, our breakout will be on Thursday morning from 10am-12pm.

Contributed talks related to clouds and climate or to any of the various intercomparison efforts (e.g., MJO, CGILS, etc.) are most welcome. If you would like to contribute a talk, please send me an email so that I can add you to the schedule.

Sincerely yours,


From Peter Blossey
Date January 15, 2013

Dear All,

At this point, we have the following schedule for the Clouds and Climate Breakout:
  • Mike Pritchard, Title TBA
  • Peter Blossey, Update on CGILS Plans
  • Peter Blossey, Low Cloud Sensitivity to Aerosol Perturbations in LES and SCMs
  • Peter Blossey, Sensitivity of Marine Low Cloud Transitions to Idealized Climate Perturbations
If you'd like to join the session, you are most welcome. Just let me know if you'd like to contribute a talk.

Sincerely yours,


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