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Coupled Modeling Focus TeamFrom Cristiana StanDate November 1, 2011 Dear All, You are receiving this email because you are members of the CMMAP coupled modeling working group or expressed some interest in the activities run by this group. I'm about to lunch the production runs with SP-CCSM using CCSM4 at 1 deg resolution in both atmosphere and ocean. One simulation is a control run with fixed CO2 at the present day level and the second simulation is the RCP8.5 scenario. Below are two sets of variables that can be saved at monthly and daily frequency. Please take a look and let me know if they are enough for the type of analysis you would like to apply. I would also like to hear your opinion on the optical depth diagnostics, do we need them? If you think that some of the diagnostics at monthly frequency are useless, they can be removed from the list. Thank you, Cristiana Monthly frequency output AEROD_v(time, lat, lon): Total Aerosol Optical Depth in visible band CLDHGH(time, lat, lon): Vertically-integrated high cloud CLDICE(time, lev, lat, lon): Grid box averaged cloud ice amount CLDLIQ(time, lev, lat, lon): Grid box averaged cloud liquid amount CLDLOW(time, lat, lon): Vertically-integrated low cloud CLDMED(time, lat, lon): Vertically-integrated mid-level cloud CLDTOT(time, lat, lon): Vertically-integrated total cloud CLOUD(time, lev, lat, lon): Cloud fraction CLOUDTOP(time, lev, lat, lon): Cloud Top PDF CLOUDY(time, lat, lon): Binary flag for TCLDAREA > cldmin CONCLD(time, lev, lat, lon): Convective cloud cover DCQ(time, lev, lat, lon): Q tendency due to moist processes DTCOND(time, lev, lat, lon): T tendency - moist processes DTV(time, lev, lat, lon): T vertical diffusion FICE(time, lev, lat, lon): Fractional ice content within cloud FISCCP1(time, isccp_prstau, lat, lon): grid box fraction covered by each ISCCP D level cloud types FLDS(time, lat, lon): Downwelling longwave flux at surface FLDSC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky downwelling longwave flux at surface FLNS(time, lat, lon): Net longwave flux at surface FLNSC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky net longwave flux at surface FLNT(time, lat, lon): Net longwave flux at top of model FLNTC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky net longwave flux at top of model FLUT(time, lat, lon): Upwelling longwave flux at top of model FLUTC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky upwelling longwave flux at top of model FSDS(time, lat, lon): Downwelling solar flux at surface FSDSC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky downwelling solar flux at surface FSNS(time, lat, lon): Net solar flux at surface FSNSC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky net solar flux at surface FSNT(time, lat, lon): Net solar flux at top of model FSNTC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky net solar flux at top of model FSNTOA(time, lat, lon): Net solar flux at top of atmosphere FSNTOAC(time, lat, lon): Clearsky net solar flux at top of atmosphere FSUTOA(time, lat, lon): Upwelling solar flux at top of atmosphere HCLDAREA(time, lat, lon): High cloud area ICEFRAC(time, lat, lon): Fraction of sfc area covered by sea-ice ICLDIWP(time, lev, lat, lon): In-cloud ice water path ICLDTWP(time, lev, lat, lon): In-cloud cloud total water path (liquid and ice) LANDFRAC(time, lat, lon): Fraction of sfc area covered by land LCLDAREA(time, lat, lon): Low cloud area LCLOUD(time, lev, lat, lon): Liquid cloud fraction LHFLX(time, lat, lon): Surface latent heat flux LWCF(time, lat, lon): Longwave cloud forcing MCLDAREA(time, lat, lon): Middle cloud area MEANPTOP(time, lat, lon): Mean cloud top pressure MEANTAU(time, lat, lon): Mean optical thickness OCNFRAC(time, lat, lon): Fraction of sfc area covered by ocean ODV_SSLTA(time, lat, lon): SSLTA optical depth in visible band ODV_SSLTC(time, lat, lon): SSLTC optical depth in visible band ODV_bcar1(time, lat, lon): bcar1 optical depth in visible band ODV_bcar2(time, lat, lon): bcar2 optical depth in visible band ODV_dust1(time, lat, lon): dust1 optical depth in visible band ODV_dust2(time, lat, lon): dust2 optical depth in visible band ODV_dust3(time, lat, lon): dust3 optical depth in visible band ODV_dust4(time, lat, lon): dust4 optical depth in visible band ODV_ocar1(time, lat, lon): ocar1 optical depth in visible band ODV_ocar2(time, lat, lon): ocar2 optical depth in visible band ODV_sulf(time, lat, lon): sulf optical depth in visible band" OMEGA(time, lev, lat, lon): Vertical velocity (pressure) PHIS(time, lat, lon): Surface geopotential PRECC(time, lat, lon): Convective precipitation rate (liq + ice) PRECL(time, lat, lon): Large-scale (stable) precipitation rate (liq + ice) PRECSL(time, lat, lon): Large-scale (stable) snow rate (water equivalent) PS(time, lat, lon): Surface pressure PSL(time, lat, lon): Sea level pressure Q(time, lev, lat, lon): Specific humidity QRL(time, lev, lat, lon): Longwave heating rate QRS(time, lev, lat, lon): Solar heating rate RELHUM(time, lev, lat, lon): Relative humidity SHFLX(time, lat, lon): Surface sensible heat flux SOLIN(time, lat, lon): Solar insolation SPDQ(time, lev, lat, lon): Q tendency due to CRM SPDQC(time, lev, lat, lon): QC tendency due to CRM SPDQI(time, lev, lat, lon): QI tendency due to CRM SPDT(time, lev, lat, lon): T tendency due to CRM SPQC(time, lev, lat, lon): Cloud water from CRM SPQG(time, lev, lat, lon): Graupel from CRM SPQI(time, lev, lat, lon): Cloud ice from CRM SRFRAD(time, lat, lon): Net radiative flux at surface T(time, lev, lat, lon): Temperature TAUX(time, lat, lon): Zonal surface stress TAUY(time, lat, lon): Meridional surface stress TS(time, lat, lon): Surface temperature (radiative) TROP_Z(time, lat, lon): Tropopause Height U(time, lev, lat, lon): Zonal wind V(time, lev, lat, lon): Meridional wind Z3(time, lev, lat, lon): Geopotential Height (above sea level) Daily frequency OMEGA(time, lev, lat, lon): Vertical velocity (pressure) PRECT(time, lat, lon): Total (convective and large-scale) precipitation rate (liq + ice) PS(time, lat, lon): Surface pressure SPDQ(time, lev, lat, lon): Q tendency due to CRM SPDQC(time, lev, lat, lon): QC tendency due to CRM SPDQI(time, lev, lat, lon): QI tendency due to CRM SPDT(time, lev, lat, lon): T tendency due to CRM T(time, lev, lat, lon): Temperature TAUX(time, lat, lon): Zonal surface stress TAUY(time, lat, lon): Meridional surface stress TS(time, lat, lon): Surface temperature (radiative) U(time, lev, lat, lon): Zonal wind V(time, lev, lat, lon): Meridional wind From Charlotte DeMott Date November 1, 2011 Hi Cristiana, Congratulations on starting the new runs! For daily mean fields, I'd also like to see LHFLX (surface latent heat flux) SHFLX (surface sensible heat flux) FSNS (net surface shortwave flux) FLNS (net surface longwave flux) FLUT (upwelling longwave flux at top of model) Q (specific humidity) Z3 (geopotential height) CLOUDTOP (or CLDLOW, CLDMED, CLDHGH)Thanks, Charlotte |