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Education and Diversity Retreat - meeting location has changedFrom Melissa BurtDate August 16, 2010 The Retreat will be on Tuesday, August 17, 2010 from 9am-4:30pm on CSU's main campus in the Physics Conference Room. The agenda is attached. Directions to CSU's main campus and to the meeting room are below. Please come to the retreat with a 5 minute update of your CMMAP work. There will be a timer! Parking and Directions for the Education and Diversity Retreat: You should park in the Engineering Lot on the CSU campus. To get to the Engineering lot from College Avenue, travel west on West Laurel Street. When you reach Meldrum Street, turn south (left) into the Engineering parking lot. You'll need a parking pass for this lot, so park your car and then walk to the southeast corner of the parking lot. You'll see double doors with a small PHYSICS sign above them. One of your LSOP friends will be there with a parking pass for you. You can then go back to your car and put the pass inside and then head up to the meeting. If you miss us at the door. Just go to the Physics conference room (see below) and we will give you a parking pass then. Finding the meeting room: Walk to the southeast corner of the parking lot. You'll see double doors with a small PHYSICS sign above them. As you enter, there is an elevator on our left and a stairway on your right. Go up one floor and then walk down the hallway, turn left into another hallway, walk past the pendulum and continue east. The Physics Conference Room number is 126. See you tomorrow. Melissa From Raj Pandya Date August 17, 2010 Hi everyone, As requested, here is a very rough version of an overarching goal and a table mapping it onto different audiences/goals/assessments. Hopefully, it provides a place to start our discussion of articulating a simple, overarching goal to our E&O and diversity efforts, and something that can help us prioritize investment in new and ongoing efforts, according to how well it aligns to our overarching goal. Also, there is an attempt in this goal to do something a little hard to do without the intellectual freedom CMMAP funding provides. It is offered as a draft, to start discussion. Thanks, raj From Susan Foster Date August 17, 2010 Hi CMMAP ED team: Good to see you today! Thanks for this new representation of this new overall usable Climate Science goal. We should discuss in more among us at UCAR EO, as well as across the team. This is a very concise way to look at where we might go, and all on one page! I have the following tasks listed in my notes: