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New edition of The Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental Change

From Richard Somerville
Date July 9, 2008

Dear CMMAP Education - Outreach - Diversity Colleagues,

Next week a new edition of my bookThe Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental Change will be available from a new publisher, the American Meteorological Society (AMS).

This is a plain-English book aimed at the general public and assuming no scientiifc background. It originated in lectures I gave to middle- and high-school teachers. The first edition has been used as a text in undergrad college classes for non-science majors. The book is up-to-date, reader-friendly and contains no equations.

A flier is attached. Availability at first will be direct from AMS (list price $22, AMS member price $16) and soon afterward also via booksellers, amazon.com, etc.

More information is on the linked web sites:

http://richardsomerville.com and http://theforgivingair.com

With luck, I'll have a sample copy hot off the press with me at the CMMAP team meeting later this month!

Best regards,


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