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Education and Diversity Breakout at Team Meeting

From Melissa Burt
Date December 9, 2010

Hi CMMAP Education and Diversity Team,

We are starting to plan for the Education and Diversity Breakout that will take place on Wednesday January 12 in Berkeley. Scott and I would like to know if any of you have something that you would like to discuss or to get input on from scientists during this Breakout. As a reminder, we have the all day retreat on Monday January 10, that will be a forum for us to discuss and hash out things that we are working on with the rest of the Education members. It would be a good idea or good use of the 2 hour time block, to use the breakout on Wednesday to get help and input on matters from the CMMAP Science Team.

If any of you would like to use this time, please let me know ASAP.


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