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Future CMMAP Education and Diversity Retreats

From Scott Denning
Date August 18, 2011

Dear Education and Diversity Colleagues,

Thanks for a productive and exciting meeting last week!

The twice-yearly all-day Education and Diversity Retreats are an important way for us to get our work done. You may recall that we "attached" the E&D Retreats to the beginning of the Team Meetings to provide opportunities to include some of the research scientists who would not otherwise have occasion to join us. As it turns out, these interactions have not been a major component of our E&D Retreats.

In the future, we will therefore combine the E&D Retreat with the Summer Team Meeting. We will continue to hold a Winter E&D Retreat, but it will no longer be held at the "away" location of the Winter Team Meeting and CMMAP will no longer support the costs of travel for all E&D participants to the Winter Team Meeting.

We plan to hold the next CMMAP E&D Retreat in Boulder in February 2012 rather than in Florida in January. This change will save CMMAP over $20,000 in travel costs and allow us to better balance the E&D budget of the Center.

Melissa and I believe we can still do great things at a Winter E&D Retreat by holding it in Colorado. CMMAP Research scientists who want to participate can travel here rather than having CMMAP incur travel costs for dozens of people traveling to the "away" location for the Winter Team Meeting.

If your CMMAP participation is supported by a sub award that includes funds for travel, or if you have reason to travel to a particular Winter Team Meeting, this can certainly be accommodated.

Thanks again for all your wonderful energy and hard work!


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