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CMMAP Education & Diversity Retreat - Agenda and Directions

From Melissa Burt
Date February 8, 2012

Hello CMMAP Education and Diversity Team Members.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the Education and Diversity Retreat on Tuesday, February 28, 2012. The meeting will be held at the NCAR Mesa Lab in the Damon Room. Coffee, pastries, and fruit will be available beginning at 8:00 am and we will start the meeting prompltly at 8:30am. CMMAP will provide a catered lunch.

I have attached the agenda for the meeting. To save time during the meeting, for those of you giving powerpoint or keynote presentations, please send me your presentations by Monday, February 27, 2012. If you plan on using your own computer, make sure you have the appropriate VGA cable.

During the afternoon session, we'd like to have a discussion about future E&D collaborations for proposals. I've attached a document that includes descriptions for 2 NSF Education/Diversity Solicitations. Please take a few minutes to read over the descriptions. We have already started working on OEDG but would like to talk more with everyone and to come up with ideas for the DRK12.

For google map directions from Fort Collins to the Mesa Lab, please visit this website.

For those of you who have never been to the Mesa Lab, I've attached a picture. You'll be able to see it from afar.

Mesa Laboratory
1850 Table Mesa Drive
Boulder, CO 80305

When you come into the Mesa Lab please make sure you sign in. The security guard can point you in the direction of the Damon Room.

If you have any questions, send them my way.


CMMAP Education & Diversity Retreat
Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Time: 8:00am-5:15pm
Location: Mesa Laboratory - Damon Room

NSF Synopsis
Discovery Research K-12 (DRK-12)
Opportunties for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences (OEDG)

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