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Summer Education and Diversity Retreat - Agenda topics

From Melissa Burt
Date May 21, 2012

Hello CMMAP Education & Diversity Members!

The Summer Education & Diversity Retreat will be held on Monday, August 6, 2012 at the Tamasag Retreat Center in Bellvue, CO. Tamasag is nestled at the base of the foothills and is located a few miles north of CSU's Foothills Campus.

I'd like to start putting together the Agenda for our Summer Retreat. Please send me any ideas or topics that you would like to discuss with the team.


From Thomas Windham
Date May 23, 2012

Hi Melissa,
I spoke with Stephanie. She agreed to speak with the summer interns at a weekly meeting. I mentioned earlier that Sarah T had agreed and suggested she bring her 2012 summer SOARS protege with her.
I met wit Barb Kraus and discussed CMMAP summer interns meeting with CU atmos faculty to learn about grad school opportunities. I'd like to be your agent and organize this for you.
The evaluation is moving along, lots of reading so far.
Take care and travel well.
From Washington,

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