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Winter Education and Diversity Retreat - Summary

From Melissa Burt
Date January 25, 2015

Dear Education & Diversity Team Members,

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and participation in CMMAP E&D activities. For those of you who attended the meeting, thank you for a thoughtful and wide-ranging discussion. I think all of the brainstorming sessions were great and we have lots of work to do! It was a great meeting.

Here are a few highlights from Friday’s discussion:
  • CMMAP is going to sunset in 1.5 years and will go through a transition. There are new things that will arise although it won’t be through the same mechanism. ESMEI (Earth Science Modeling and Education Institute) will be the successor of CMMAP and we are currently working with the University to secure base funding. We will continue to look for research and education funding opportunities.
  • SueEllen Campbell,Toying around with the idea of starting a website with suggestions as to what people can do. Asked the group how high priority would this be? Could be useful to provide examples at the end of climate change science talks.
  • Michele Betsill, Has a grad student who will be organizing a citizen engagement day on June 6 as part of an international effort to collect citizen views of climate and energy issues as input into the Paris negotiations. Results of this event could be analyzed by a 2015 CMMAP Intern.
  • Little Shop of Physics, Having fun with school visits, podcasts (AKA shop casts), and making science kits for Poudre School District. We brainstormed ideas for big activities for the 2015 Weather and Science Day at Coors Field.
  • STEM Center (Laura S., Katie B., Cheryl B.), Evaluating many CMMAP activities — Teacher Course, Internship program, LSOP school visits. Teacher Course is one of the best professional development opportunities teachers have participated in. It may be possible to blush content and activities through the CLEAN network or in a practice journal. They have surveyed and interviewed past interns to look at interns experience, the impact the internship has had on the students along with the impact on the faculty, staff, and graduate students. Revisiting the participatory action research from a few years ago and want to follow-up with interns and community members. Evaluating LSOP activities and how teachers are using the kits. Potentially have 6 publications from the interesting findings of the evaluation work.
  • Laura Allen, Gave an update on the programs and new initiatives led by the SOARS Center for Undergraduate Research. SOARS program is still going strong, new SOARS Academy (for community college students to get a peek at the SOARS experience), PRECIP (high school internship), and providing a home for the REU community with resources and workshops.
  • Had a discussion about our Summer Professional Development for Teachers (number of courses, advertising, funding). Very successful over the last few years and now that the course is fee based we talked about potential funding opportunities for teachers. We need to look into businesses who can sponsor and offer scholarships for local K-12 teachers. Provide a one-pager and video (include testimonials) about the course which teachers can share with their school districts about why they should attend.

Kind regards,

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