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CMMAP Interactions... BlogFrom Kelley WittmeyerDate March 8, 2007 Hello convection & turbulence folks. I have created a Web Log (Blog) for the interactions of deep and shallow convection and turbulence theme. From the theme webpage, you will see a link to the blog in the menu there under the theme title. When you click on this, you will be directed to a registration page. It will require a name of your choosing to identify yourself and your email address. The blogs sit in the CMMAP members area so if you have directed your web browser to remember your CMMAP username and password (cmmap, superclouds) you should get right in. This is how we will keep it private from the outside world. Because of this, all who register on the blog site are automatically authorized to be an author (to publish and edit comments, etc). I am heading out on a much needed vacation in a day. However, I will be checking mail periodically next week during our spring break. So please feel free to email me regarding problems. Chin-hoh and Steve, I will give you priviledges for the blog beyond the others as the theme leader. Also, can you send me a brief description of the your theme for the theme page? Thanks. A wiki for the objectives will be coming in a few weeks. Have a nice day. kelley |