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From Steve Krueger
Date August 2, 2007

Dear Interactions of Deep and Shallow Convection and Turbulence team member,

We will have an MJO break-out session during the CMMAP Team Meeting in
Fort Collins. The session will be be held on Thursday, August 9, for 2
hours, from 10:15 am to 12:15 pm. The agenda is still open and we would
welcome any short presentations related to our theme. Please send the title
and expected length.

Attached below is the action items list for the August meeting that was
drafted during the CMMP Team meeting in Hawaii last February. The action
items will be a basis for our discussion during our break-out session. Those
whose names are attached to the action items are encouraged to make a brief
presentation/summary to help us understand where we are in MJO related CMMAP
research path.

You are welcome to email any ideas that you feel should be discussed during
the break-out session.

The theme and objectives of the Deep and Shallow Convectione group in the
context of CMMAP can be found here: kiwi.atmos.colostate.edu/cmmap/themes/interactions.html.


Steve Krueger and Chin-Hoh Moeng

Interactions of Deep and Shallow Convection and Turbulence Break-out Group

Action items for Aug 2007
  • Identify or execute useful benchmark LES simulations:
    • Identify existing small-domain: GCSS cases (all)
    • Identify existing large-domain: LBA, RICO, etc (all)
    • Obtain forcing datasets from MMF and execute LES: (Tao)
    • Execute new idealized large-domain: (Moeng)
    • Update and test LES models with improved microphysics (Krueger, Blossey, others)
  • Test and evaluate CRM/NWP/GCM parameterizations against benchmark simulations and/or observations
    • In SCMs and CRMs (Cheng, Krueger, Lappen, Grabowski )
  • Analyze benchmark simulationsa
    • With goal to improve CSRM simulations (Moeng, others)
    • With goal to improve conventional GCM parameterizations (Krueger)
  • Process relevant observational datasets
    • New products (Krueger, others)
  • Collaborate with Low Cloud Feedbacks and MJO focus groups (Bjorn, Marat, Mitch, Steve)

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