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no subject

From Bjorn Stevens
Date August 4, 2007

Dear Brian (and other team members)

I've been thinking more about the Low Cloud Break out Session, and part of
the problem is that I am not sure who will be there, and I did not think to
ask until now. Looking at the primary team members it seems that Myself,
Bretherton, Cara-Lyn and Blossey are all for one reason or another unable to
come to the meeting. Hence I think it makes sense for those who are there
to focus on the things they are doing and can do. So while I would discuss
at least briefly all of our tactics, spend time on the ones where you can
make the most progress (probably items 1, 2 and 3 below).

1) What is the current behavior of the MMF in the low cloud regime?
This I guess will be the Discussion Matt Wyant will lead. How is the analysis proceeding? How can it stimulate or interact with other activities in the group? What are the next steps?

2) What are the characteristics of the forcing/response across aqua planets?
This is something you should speak to and at the meeting a concrete plan of how to get further on this road, particularly with regard to interactions with the SCMs (Cara-Lyn) and CRMs (Anning?) should be a discussed. In other words, how can these tools help us? What will we plan on doing in the coming months both with traditional models and the MMF?

3) How do CRMs (particularly when formulated as in the prototype MMF) represent the GCSS cases?
This was listed as a cross cutting issue. It is a discussion that should follow Anning's presentation. Here the discussion should focus on the question of what he should do next. How can his results be used to improve what we are doing, or how should it change the direction we are going? I will also add a slide here.

4) How can we use the MMF as a means to embed LES in the GCM?
Here there were too issues: (i) was delocalized physics, (ii) big-brother experiments with SAM. I will send a slide on delocalized physics tomorrow or Monday, and Matt perhaps can talk about the UW contribution here. The other thread to follow in this discussion is ongoing experiences/interests with the socalled mini-LES that Marat had been working with.

I think the goal of the meeting is to establish where we are on each of
these issues, and update our cloud_effects document. To the extent possible
identifying specific tasks and goals to be accomplished in the next six
month period should help us stay on track. Don't spend time developing new
strategies or approaches, focus on tactics. We can review our strategies at
the winter meeting.


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