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CMMAP Deep and Shallow Convection and Turbulence

From Steve Krueger
Date October 8, 2007

Dear Interactions of Deep and Shallow Convection and Turbulence team member,

Chin-Hoh and I will be meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at NCAR to discuss the
progress and plans for our CMMAP research theme.

We would greatly appreciate if you would take a couple minutes to send us a
short (few sentences) update on your CMMAP research that is any way relevant
to this theme. We will then send out a report of this to everyone, in order
to help coordinate our efforts.

Questions for the group are also welcome.

The following report came out of the breakout session for our theme at the
August CMMAP Science Team Meeting:

  • Better understand interactions of deep and shallow clouds, and turbulence.
  • Better understand representation of interactions of deep and shallow clouds, and turbulence in prototype MMF.
  • Test improved physics in MMF.
ACTION ITEMS FOR JAN 2008 (short-term plans)
1. To better understand interactions of deep and shallow clouds, and turbulence:
  • Analyze existing and new benchmark simulations.
    • ACTION ITEM: Perform large-domain LES of deep convection. (Computer time is required.)
  • Analyze observational datasets.
    • ACTION ITEM: Identify and/or develop appropriate datasets.
2. To better understand representation of interactions of deep and shallow clouds, and turbulence in prototype MMF:
  • Identify physical processes responsible for MMF deficiencies (e.g., great red spot).
    • ACTION ITEM: Analyze existing MMF simulations.
    • ACTION ITEM: Perform new MMF simulations that involve changes to MMF physics. (Computer time is required.)
      1. Use CAM physics except for convection tendencies (Q1, Q2).
      2. Replace boundary layer turbulence scheme used in CRM.

3. To test improved physics in MMF.

  • Computer time will be required for the proposed simulations.
  • Large size of large-domain LES output dataset will make it a challenge to access and analyze. We need help to design.
  • Access to SP-CAM code and results: We need a clone of Marat!

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