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CMMAP low cloud feedback breakoutFrom Chris BrethertonDate July 17, 2009 Dear CMMAP low clouds people, While I had planned to come to the upcoming team meeting, family matters now preclude this, and Peter Blossey has kindly agreed to lead the low clouds breakout on the morning of Thursday 30 July instead. If you have a presentation for this breakout, let him know at pblossey@gmail.com Just to set the stage, here is what I see as some issues for discussion and perhaps presentation:
From Chris Bretherton Date July 17, 2009 ...MMF aerosol/cloud update from Steve Ghan in attached email. Chris --------------------- From: "Ghan, Steven J" Date: July 17, 2009 3:38:17 PM MDT To: Chris Bretherton Subject: Re: [Cmmaplct] CMMAP low cloud feedback breakout Chris, I am not attending the CMMAP meeting because we don't have anything noteworthy to report yet on our efforts to put aerosols into the MMF, but we finally have postdoc to do much of the work, so we are making good progress. We have the cam aerosols talking to the Morrison microphysics in sam. We are adding some instrument simulators before we try turning on Vince Larson's turbulence scheme (CLUBB), which should greatly improve the low cloud simulation. We'll start some simulations this fall. Please pass this on to the rest of the low cloud folks. -Steve From Peter Blossey Date July 29, 2009 Dear CMMAP low clouds group, A tentative agenda for the low clouds breakout on Thursday morning is attached. We hope to have at least 45 minutes of discussion after the research talks for the planning and coordination of near term activities and for the contribution of ideas and directions for the renewal proposal. Chris outlines some discussion and action points in his email below, but you are welcome to bring your own ideas as well. - Peter From Steve Ghan Date August 6, 2009 I would like to suggest that Vince Larson and Hugh Morrison be added to this team. Vince has applied his turbulence closure scheme to SAM with encouraging results (improved shallow cumulus, improved transition from shallow to deep convection). Hugh has developed a new representation of ice microphysics that offers considerable advantages over traditional partitioning between cloud ice, snow, and graupel. How would you feel about extending an invitation to them to join the CMMAP team? -Steve |