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low cloud effects

From Bjorn Stevens
Date February 26, 2007

Dear All,

attached is our lowcloud effects white paper, adapted to reflect our
decisions and discussions in Princeville. The changes from the previous
version include an explicit reference to aerosol effects in our goal and
an outline of the proposed tactics. Please look it over as I hope to post
a final version by the end of the week.


From Kiran Alapaty
Date February 26, 2007

Bjorn, thanks for sharing it. As you know, some of the science issues are
very relevant to the ARM science program and I look forward for
innovative proposals from the team (ARM RFP/solicitation is out and is
available at grants.gov). Regarding white paper, here are my comments.
Best, Kiran

1. My past research experience is that nonlocal mixing schemes (PBL)
(e.g. Blackadar type) help the simulation of shallow convection better
and possibly deep convection compared to K-schemes (for summer). Thus,
it's worth testing such schemes in a GCM. For that my belief, I have
recently developed a new closure formulation for Blackadar-type pbl
schemes & tested it out for its performance. Works very well. Soon, I
will implement it in the SCAM (1-D CAM). I believe that it will
out-perform the existing pbl scheme in CAM and helps to improve shallow
convection simulations.

2. Regarding conservative interpolation schemes, Piotr Smolarkiewicz at
NCAR has done very good work on advection-equivalent interpolation (AEI)
schemes (probably you may be aware of that work). I have published a
small note comparing geometrical interpolation and AEI schemes (see
43.pdf ) of course, i am talking about linear fields.

3. I am inclined to solicit development of a methodology that physically
couples convective pbl, shallow, and/or deep convection processes. I am
making myself a crude attempt to develop one such thing for GCMs.

From Steve Ghan
Date February 26, 2007


I wasn't able to attend the CMMAP meeting, so here I'd like to describe
our plans because I think they fit in nicely with the goals of the low
cloud CCMAP group.

We are putting aerosol indirect effects into SAM and then the MMF, but we
recognize that the present simulation of low clouds in the MMF is poor. So
Vince Larson is putting his turbulence scheme into SAM. I believe he is
testing it for DYCOMS-II first. His scheme is ideally suited to
cloud-resolving models, because the time step requirements are comparable.
We will then add droplet number to the microphysics, and use Vince's Latin
hypercube technique to treat subgrid microphysics. This approach to aerosol
indirect effects might not be as accurate as LES, but it will be much
faster. Our plan is to use the MMF to estimate aerosol indirect effects (we
have a separate plan for deep convective clouds).

So please add Vince and me to your list of collaborators.

-Steve Ghan

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