This "Postcards from the Field" page features collections of virtual postcards from scientists and educators who are in the field doing science in exotic places around the world. The postcards, which include fantastic photos, describe the work of the scientists and their experiences in the field. We have three collections of postcards so far, and will be adding more in the future. The existing collections are about a research cruise to study deep sea life at a mid-ocean ridge (Deep Sea Postcards from the Field), an expedition to study penguins in Antarctica (Postcards from the Field: Antarctica) and a campaign to study the effects of air pollution around Mexico City (Postcards from the Field: MILAGRO). |
Deep Sea Postcards from the Field
Penguin Postcards from Antarctica
Page created January 10, 2007 by Randy Russell.
Last modified January 19, 2007 by Lisa Gardiner.
The source of this material is Windows to the Universe, at
at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
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