set 9 spcam30_4km_32c
OBS data

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DIAG Set 9 - Horizontal contour plots of DJF-JJA differences

Legates & Willmott 1920-80
TREFHT * 2-meter air temperature plot

NCEP Reanalysis 1979-98
PREH2O * Precipitable water plot
PSL * Sea-level pressure plot
T 850 * 850 mb temperature plot
TREFHT * 2-meter air temperature plot

ECMWF Reanalysis 1979-93
PREH2O * Total precipitable water plot
T 850 * 850 mb temperature plot

NVAP 1988-1999
PREH2O * Total precipitable water plot

GPCP 1979-2003
PRECT * Precipitation rate plot

CMAP (Xie-Arkin) 1979-98
PRECT * Precipitation rate plot

ERBE Feb1985-Apr1989
LWCF * TOA longwave cloud forcing plot
SWCF * TOA shortwave cloud forcing plot

ISCCP D2 Jul1983-Sep2001
CLDTOT Total cloud amount plot

*WGNE diagnostic variable