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Andrea Jenney, with her mentor Professor Dave Randall, compared observational data and CMIP5 models this summer. Andrea is in her senior year at the University of Miami studying meteorology and mathematics.

Andrea writes, "Clouds play a complex role in the climate system, and remain one of the more difficult aspects of the future climate to predict. In the tropical oceans over the West Pacific, high convective anvil tops emit radiation back to space at particularly low temperatures". It is postulated that in the presence of warming surface temperatures, these cloud tops will remain at a fixed temperature, called the Fixed Anvil Temperature, or FAT hypothesis. Andrea notes that such a hypothesis has significant implications for cloud feedbacks and climate modeling. Andrea sought to find observational evidence for the FAT hypothesis in high clouds, and looked at model variable predictability and cloud-climate feedback predictability in low clouds.


The Highs and Lows of Cloud Radiative Feedback - Comparing Observational Data and CMIP5 Models is the research poster she presented at the end of her internship.

Andrea enjoys yoga, music festivals & concerts, hiking and spending time in the outdoors, and anything that involves the beach and ocean. She is from Boca Raton, Florida.

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