Lindsey Hayden came a short distance to us from Metropolitan State College of
Denver where she was a junior studying Meteorology with a minor in Mathematics.
Her mentors were Susan van den Heever and Amanda Sheffield, studying the
characteristics of convective clouds observed during ICE-T.
Lindsey's study examined growing cumulus and cumulus congestus clouds sampled
during the Ice in Clouds Experiment - Tropical (ICE-T) field campaign. Clouds
were selected for this study by using the aircraft forward camera used during
the experiment flights, and a definition of cloud, based on liquid water
content. The specific variables examined in this study are cloud droplet number
concentration and diameter, rain droplet number concentration and diameter,
updraft speed, and liquid water content. The vertical profile of each variable
above cloud base was examined, as well as the relationships between the
Linsdey found that congestus cloud properties are inter-related in complex ways
that are not yet completely understood and thus is an area of ongoing research.
Observational research into the interaction and variability of these properties
is important for the development and validation of cloud microphysical
parameterization schemes.
Correct representation of the various cloud properties observed in this study
in Cloud Resolving Models is important so that the models can better represent
cloud processes.
Lindsey's research poster,
Characteristics of Convective Clouds Observed During the Ice in Clouds
Experiment - Tropical (ICE-T) Field Campaign, may be found here.
Lindsey is from Westminster, CO. Her research interests include cloud physics
and computer models. In her spare time she enjoys reading, knitting and
playing the flute.