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Climate Change Workshop MSP
Summer Camp Course Description

In June a diverse group of 40 middle school students from around Colorado will travel to Colorado State University (CSU) to study and discuss the earth’s climate and how it is changing. This workshop will be presented by the Center for Multiscale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes (CMMAP), in partnership with The Little Shop of Physics and the Rocky Mountain Math Science Partnership Camp (RMMSP). During this one-week residential workshop, students will explore topics such as energy transfer in the Earth’s atmosphere, alternative energy, how climate change affects ecosystems around the world, and careers in these areas.

In addition to interactive lessons on CSU’s main campus, students will travel to a power plant, and a field site for the Shortgrass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research project. While on campus, they will participate in hands-on activities, design insulation systems to keep ice from melting, participate in a mock Congress on energy, calculate their carbon footprints, and experiment with how plants can reduce carbon emissions.

Students will get a taste of life on a college campus, live in dorms, eat meals with their peers in the cafeteria, attend sessions in CSU classrooms, and do lab work in CSU’s teaching laboratories.

Experienced teachers Mary Hunter-Laszlo and Jim Barnaby of Poudre School District will be creating and teaching the course materials. Both teachers were trained by CMMAP in the 40 hour “Climate and Weather” course for teachers. Teaching and materials assistance will be provided by Nisse Lee, a graduate of CSU’s Physics Department and a Little Shop of Physics employee for five years.

The course is free to students in qualifying Colorado BOCES schools. For additional information, contact the RMMSP Camp Program Coordinator, Aaron Benally, at 970-491-4357 or abenally@engr.colostate.edu.  

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