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Clouds, Climate, and Weather MSP
Summer Camp Course Supply List
Where quantities are given, we assumed a class of 34 students
divided into groups of three
Day One:
What is the Difference Between Weather and
- 36-50 bags of fun size M&Ms
What is Energy?
- Balloon cars (purchase the 75 cent cars for quality)
- Pull-back race cars
- Poppers
- Groan tubes
- Physics flyers
Can Energy Be Created or Destroyed?
- Solar cell night light device with battery (solar chargers) - drain
batteries before activity
- Stop watches
- Clocks
- Black felt (to cover solar panels before time is started)
Can You See Thermal Radiation?
What is the difference between red light and blue
- Phosphorescent paper
- Red LED light
- Blue LED light
Dark energy?
- Solar grasshoppers
- IR filters/cellophanes/gel filters
- Rosco Thermoshield
- Desk lamps with incandescent and fluorescent bulbs
- IR goggles
What is beyond the rainbow?
- Rainbow glasses
- IR Goggles
- Ceramic heat lamp
- UV light (black light)
- IR markers and other markers
- Paper to draw secret messages
What is a convection cell?
For demo purposes only: 1 hot plate, 1 cake pan, silicon oil,
aluminum powder, rubber spatula
Demonstrations show heat transfer processes of conduction,
convection, and radiation.
- Conduction demo:
- rods of different metals radiating (spokes) from a central hub
- paraffin wax to show that different materials conduct energy at
different rates (air is poor conductor)
- Convection demo:
- hot plate
- 1 liter Pyrex beaker
- glitter
- Radiation demo:
- heat lamp
- standing in sunlight vs. standing in shade
Day Two:
This is a field trip day.
Day Three:
Density & Temperature Demos
For demo purposes only: IR thermometers, electronic balances,
video camera, tripod, tape to film students skits
- Density demo:
- Build density column before class:
- different colors of food coloring
- large glass cylinder (250 - 500 ml graduated cylinder)
- water
- sugar
Make different concentrations of sugar water: 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%,
and 50%.
- Balloons filled with different gases:
- helium balloon
- pressurized computer cleaning canned air bottle
- dense gas balloon
- CO2 & H2O vapor-blow up balloon
- Temperature demo:
- smoke stack
- fish tank filled with cold water
- Erlenmeyer flask (small) with boiling water
- aluminum foil
- rubber band
- food coloring
Why does the wind blow?
- Clean and dry 1 liter plastic bottle (punch hole in side before class)
- Styrofoam packing peanuts
- Fizz keeper pump caps
- Duct tape
If hot air rises, why is it cold in the
- Two liter bottle
- Tire valve to fit in cap of bottle
- Bike pump with pressure gauge
- LCD aquarium thermometer (Petco)
How can freezing make something
- Sodium acetate reusable heat pack (one for each student to keep)
- IR thermometer
- Hot plate and pot to boil water to recharge heat packs
How can clouds help keep the air warmer? &
Do Cities Affect the Weather?
- Two liter bottle
- Tire valve to fit in cap of bottle
- Bike pump with pressure gauge
- LCD aquarium thermometer
- Glade air freshener
- Rubber gloves (one for each student)
Make clouds in bottle
Add some hot water to bottle, swirl, light match and blow it
out, add to bottle (need the smoke): squeeze - no cloud, let go - instant
- Two liter bottles with original caps (no hole in cap)
- Hot water
- Matches
Day Four:
IR thermometers and electronic balances in addition to supplies
Fronts in tank Demo
- Fish Tank
- Warm water
- Ice
- Red and Blue food coloring
How can clouds help keep the air warmer? & Do
Cities Affect the Weather?
- Two liter bottle
- Tire valve to fit in cap of bottle
- Bike pump with pressure gauge
- LCD aquarium thermometer
- Glade air freshener
- Rubber gloves (one for each student)
What is the Greenhouse Effect?
- Layers of clothing
- IR thermometer
Greenhouse effect—cool vs. cool—white vinyl car
interior vs. black vinyl interior—reflection vs. absorption of sun's
- Two fish tanks
- White vinyl to completely cover bottom of inverted fish tank
- Black vinyl to completely cover bottom of inverted fish tank
Can it really rain fish and
- Electric leaf blower
- Extension cord
- Clear cylinder or PVC pipe
- Gold fish crackers
Day Five:
Liquid nitrogen demos
- Liquid nitrogen
- Rose
- Helium balloon
- Racket ball
- Large metal bowl
- Saltine crackers
- Ingredients for ice cream, paper cups, spoons
- Tongs & gloves for handling liquid nitrogen
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