CSU Single-Column Model Results
and Quasi-Equilibrium Sensitivity Study

Douglas G. Cripe and David A. Randall
Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University

I Introduction

We participated in an intercomparision study using Single-Column Models (SCMs) in which participants initialized and forced their respective SCMs with identical datasets culled from the July 1995 Intensive Observation Period (IOP) at the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) Cloud and Radiation Testbed (CART) site. The SCMs were forced in three different fashions: 1) using total advective tendency or "revealed" forcing, 2) using observed horizontal advective tendencies and observed vertical motion or "vertical flux" forcing, and 3) using relaxation to the observed soundings and observed vertical motion. The Colorado State University (CSU) SCM was further tested in each of these forcing modes by the use of three different parameter settings which control the tightness of quasi-equilibrium in the SCM's cloud parameterization.


II Results from SCM Intercomparison Study

As outlined by Krueger and Cederwall (1997), the rationale for conducting an SCM intercomparison study was to coordinate and unify the disparate efforts of several Single-Column modelers into a standardized approach with respect to both the datasets and methods used. Previously, members of the ARM SCM community shared their results by means of workshops conducted periodically at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL). However, in the interest of identifying potential individual model biases, it became evident that it would be beneficial to everyone involved with single-column modeling if identical datasets and prescription/forcing methods were used. Therefore, it was resolved that the July 1995 SGP CART IOP would serve as a suitable dataset for the study due to the quality of the data and the incidences of deep convection accompanied with precipitation, and that the three forcing methods mentioned above would provide a representative spectrum of the various modes in which an SCM may be forced. Full details on Intercomparison Study may be obtained from Cederwall et al. Additionally, the CSU SCM was run with three different "alpha parameter" settings, which controls the quasi-equilibrium parameterization. Below, we merely present a small sampling of the CSU SCM results compared to those of other participants as a means of setting the stage for the quasi-equilibrium discussion that follows. As can be seen in Figures 1 and 2, the CSU SCM relaxation forcing mode provided the best results compared to the observations while the revealed forcing mode generally showed the least amount of agreement with the observations.

Figure 1. Height-averaged plot showing model-observation bias for water vapor mixing ratio during July 1995 IOP (00 UTC 18 July - 23 UTC 3 August 1995). Units are Julian day along x-axis and g kg-1 along y-axis. Revealed (total advective tendency) forcing was used for driving all models, and CSU SCM run is in red.

Figure 2. Same plot as Figure 1, only this time relaxation forcing was used for driving all models. CSU SCM run is in red. See Cederwall et al. for details on each of the forcing modes used. In both plots above, the CSU SCM was run with the "alpha parameter" set to 108 m4 kg-1 - see following discussion for explanation.


III Quasi-Equilibrium Hypothesis

As a means of approximating the intensity of cumulus convection in numerical computations, Arakawa and Schubert (1974; hereafter AS) proposed a cumulus parameterization featuring "quasi-equilibrium" of the cloud work function as a closure assumption. The cloud work function is defined as the vertical integral of the buoyancy of cloud air with respect to the large-scale environment, for a particular cumulus cloud subensemble. Thus, a positive value of the cloud work function indicates that potential energy of the mean state is available for conversion into convective kinetic energy. The cloud work function is hypothesized to be quasi-invariant as non-convective ("large-scale") processes which destabilize the troposphere, such as horizontal and vertical advection of heat and moisture, or radiative heating and cooling, tend to be balanced by convective processes that restore atmospheric stability. AS found this to be especially true when the forcing time-scale of the non-convective processes is considerably longer than the "adjustment time" over which cumulus convection acts. The quasi-equilibrium hypothesis has been tested and found to be valid by several people, including Lord and Arakawa (1980), Wang and Randall (1994), and Cripe (1994) using data from both the tropics and the mid-latitudes. For further discussion of quasi-equilibrium, its strengths, weaknesses, and related studies, the reader is directed to Randall et al. (1997).
A generalization of quasi-equilibrium led to the development of a prognostic closure by Randall and Pan (1993), Pan (1995), and Pan and Randall (1998). The prognostic closure includes a set of prognostic equations governing the vertically integrated cumulus kinetic energy (CKE) per unit area, for each convective cloud type. In particular, the cloud-base mass flux and cloud work function are used, along with the time derivative of the cloud work function for a given cloud-base mass flux, to predict the CKE. A problem arises, however, in that there are two equations and three unknowns in this scheme In order to close this relationship, a parameter, alpha, with dimensions of length quadrupled per unit mass, was defined that would serve essentially as a conversion factor, relating cumulus mass flux to the CKE. The alpha parameter is further assumed to be a constant for simplicity; Randall and Pan (1993) have shown that a small value of alpha corresponds to a short adjustment time, and vice-versa.


IV Quasi-Equilibrium Sensitivity Study Results

An examination of the results by Xu (1991) using a cumulus ensemble model (CEM) with GATE data suggests a setting of alpha ~ 108 m4 kg-1 or larger. Indeed, statistical analyses of various fields such as temperature, as shown in our results below (Figures 3, 4 and 6, 7), indicate that a setting of alpha ~ 109 m4 kg-1 appears to give the most satisfactory results using mid-latitude ARM CART IOP data, with the relaxation mode giving the closest agreement to observed conditions. Additionally, in an alpha parameter sensitivity study with the full CSU General Circulation Model (GCM), Randall et al. (1997) found that there was a general decrease in the cumulus precipitation rate accompanied by an increase in large-scale precipitation as the alpha parameter was increased from 107 m4 kg-1 to 109 m4 kg-1, with a general decrease in overall precipitation. We obtained similar results with respect to cumulus and large-scale precipitation rates; only the combined precipitation results are presented here (Figures 5 and 8) in which the general decrease may be observed as the alpha parameter is increased. Note the improved agreement between model runs and observations in the alpha parameter setting of 109 m4 kg-1, as demonstrated in the statistical analyses.

Figure 3. Time-height plot of observed temperature field and results from all 3 SCM forcing modes, for alpha parameter setting of 107 m4 kg-1. Horizontal temperature advective tendency results shown in lower panels.

Figure 4. Statistical analysis (time-averaged) of results shown in Figure 3 above.

Figure 5. Plot of precipitable water and precipitation results (with statistical analysis in margin) from all 3 forcing modes, for alpha parameter setting of 107 m4 kg-1.

Figure 6. Time-height plot of observed temperature field and results from all 3 SCM forcing modes, for alpha parameter setting of 109 m4 kg-1. Horizontal temperature advective tendency results shown in lower panels.

Figure 7. Statistical analysis (time-averaged) of results shown in Figure 6. Note the improved agreement with observations as the alpha parameter is set to 109 m4 kg-1, compared to the 107 m4 kg-1 case (Figure 4).

Figure 8. Plot of precipitable water and precipitation results (with statistical analysis in margin) from all 3 forcing modes, for alpha parameter setting of 109 m4 kg-1. Again, note improvements over the 107 m4 kg-1 case (Figure 5).


V Conclusions



Arakawa, A., and W. H. Schubert (1974) Interaction of a cumulus cloud ensemble with the large-scale environment, Part I, J. Atmos. Sci., 31 674-701
Cripe, D. (1994) Investigation of GCAPE Quasi-Equilibrium in the Midlatitutdes. M.S. thesis, Colorado State University, 230 pp.
Krueger, S. K., and R. T. Cederwall (1997) ARM Single Column Model Working Group: SCM Intercomparison Case 1: Summer 1995 SCM IOP. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.
Lord, S. J., and A. Arakawa (1980) Interaction of a cumulus cloud ensemble with the large-scale environment, Part II. J. Atmos. Sci., 37 2677-2692.
Pan, D.-M. (1995) Development and Application of a Prognostic Cumulus Parameterization. Ph.D. thesis, Colorado State University, 207 pp.
Pan, D.-M., and D. A. Randall (1998) A Cumulus Parameterization with a Prognostic Closure. In Press.
Randall, D. A., and D.-M. Pan (1993) Implementation of the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization with a prognostic closure, Monograph on Cumulus parameterization, pp. 137-144.
Randall, D. A., D.-M. Pan, P. Ding, and D. G. Cripe (1997) Quasi-Equilibrium, The Physics and Parameterization of Moist Atmospheric Convection, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 359-385.
Wang, J., and D. A. Randall (1994) The moist available energy of a conditionally unstable atmosphere, II: Further analysis of the GATE data. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 703-710.
Xu, K.-M. (1991) The coupling of cumulus convection with large-scale processes. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles, 250 pp.



Douglas Cripe
Department of Atmospheric Science
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1371

Office Phone: 970.491.8327
Office Fax : 970.491.8428
