Available CEM Data for SCM Validations

The CEM simulations are described in Xu and Randall (1996), entitled "Explicit simulation of cumulus ensembles with the GATE Phase III data: Comparison with observations." J. Atmos. Sci., 53, 3710-3736. The simulations cover the entire Phase III period between 1 and 18 September 1974. The observational data set includes two additional days on August 30 and 31. Because of the missing data on the first day, SCM simulations are recommended to start either from 31 August or from 1 September.

The simulated data provided here represent the control simulation G described in Xu and Randall (1996), averaged over the entire CEM domain in horizontal space and 3 hr in time. Please note that most of the data provided here are yet to be published by the authors. It is highly recommended for any user to contact either Dr. Xu or Prof. Randall regarding the usage of these data. For comments, or additional information on the data and simulation, contact Kuan-Man Xu, kmxu@asdsun.larc.nasa.gov.

The following data are grouped into six different categories. The plots shown below are for the convenience of any user. The actual data can be ftped from an anonymous ftp site.

Observation State Variable Mass Budget Heat & Moisture Budget Other Variables Time Series

The observational data set

analyzed by Thompson et al. (1979)

Time-height cross section of the observed temperature deviation from the 20-day mean of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 0.5 K.

Time-height cross section of the observed specific humidity deviation from the 20-day mean of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 0.5 g/kg.

Time-height cross section of the observed x-component wind velocity for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 3 m/s.

Time-height cross section of the observed y-component wind velocity for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 3 m/s.

Time-height cross section of the observed omega vertical velocity for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 5 mb/s.

Time-height cross section of the observed horizontal temperature advective tendency for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 1 K/day.

Time-height cross section of the observed horizontal moisture advective tendency for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 1 g/kg/day.

Time-height cross section of the observed total temperature advective tendency for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 2 K/day.

Time-height cross section of the observed total moisture advective tendency for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 1 g/kg/day.

Time-height cross section of the observed apparent heat source for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 3 K/day.

Time-height cross section of the observed apparent moisture sink for the 20-day of the GATE Phase III. The contour interval is 3 K/day.

Time-height cross section of the diagnosed radiative heating rate for the 18-day of the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.5 K/day.

Time series of the observed daily mean SST (Krishnamurti et al. 1976) shown in solid line, starting from 31 August 1974. The dashed shows the 3-hourly variation of SST diagnosed from the sensible heat flux, surface wind speed and surface air temperature.

CEM simulated state variables

Time-height cross section of the simulated temperature deviation from the 18-day mean of the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.5 K.

Time-height cross section of the simulated specific humidity deviation from the 18-day mean of the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.2 g/kg.

Time-height cross section of the simulated cloud water mixing ratio for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.02 g/kg. The contour of 0.01 g/kg is added in the plot.

Time-height cross section of the simulated cloud ice mixing ratio for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.02 g/kg. The contour of 0.01 g/kg is added in the plot.

Time-height cross section of the simulated snow mixing ratio for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.02 g/kg. The contour of 0.01 g/kg is added in the plot.

Time-height cross section of the simulated graupel mixing ratio for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.02 g/kg. The contour of 0.01 g/kg is added in the plot.

Time-height cross section of the simulated rainwater mixing ratio for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.02 g/kg. The contour of 0.01 g/kg is added in the plot.

Time-height cross section of the simulated total condensate mixing ratio for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.02 g/kg. The contour of 0.01 g/kg is added in the plot.

Mass budgets for convective and stratiform regions

Time-height cross section of the simulated updraft mass flux in the convective regions for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 2 mb/h.

Time-height cross section of the simulated downdraft mass flux in the convective regions for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 1 mb/h.

Time-height cross section of the simulated total mass flux in the convective regions for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 2 mb/h.

Time-height cross section of the simulated updraft mass flux in the stratiform regions for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 2 mb/h.

Time-height cross section of the simulated downdraft mass flux in the stratiform regions for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 1 mb/h.

Time-height cross section of the simulated total mass flux in the stratiform regions for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 2 mb/h.

Heat and moisture budgets for convective and stratiform regions

Time-height cross section of the simulated, domain-averaged apparent heat source for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 3 K/day.

Time-height cross section of the simulated, domain-averaged apparent moisture sink for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 3 K/day.

The heat and moisture budgets for convective and stratiform regions are going to be included here in near future.

Other variables for verification

Time-height cross section of the simulated relative humidity for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.05.

Time-height cross section of the simulated cloud fraction for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.05.

Time-height cross section of the simulated radiative heating rate for the GATE Phase III, starting from 1 September 1974. The contour interval is 0.5 K/day.

Time series of vertical-integrated and surface variables

Time series of the simulated and observed outgoing longwave radiation fluxes, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the simulated and observed surface evaporation rates, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the simulated and observed surface precipitation rates, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the simulated and observed precipitable water, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the simulated and observed generalized convective available potential energy (GCAPE), starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the daily mean observed (solid) and simulated (dashed) high-level cloudiness, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the daily mean observed (solid) and simulated (dashed) low-level cloudiness, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the daily mean observed (solid) and simulated (dashed) mid-level cloudiness, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the daily mean observed (solid) and simulated (dashed) upper-level cloudiness, starting from 1 September 1974.

Time series of the daily mean observed (solid) and simulated (dashed) total cloudiness, starting from 1 September 1974.