Colorado State University General Circulation Model

A Prognostic Cumulus Parameterization

We tested the sensitivity of the CSU GCM to two different approaches of the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization - the quasi-equilibrium (Arakawa and Schubert, 1974) and the prognostic CKE (Randall and Pan, 1993) approaches. To bring the global-mean planetary albedo back to the observed, we introduced "fractional coverage" of the anvil clouds (Pan, 1995). Simulated January precipitation is compared with the observations by Legates and Willmott (1990).

Simulation Using Quasi-equilibrium Closure Simulation Using Prognostic CKE Simulation Using Fractional Coverage of Anvil Clouds Observed Precipitation

Simulation using the quasi-equilibrium closure.
Arakawa, A and W. H. Schubert, 1974: Interaction of a cumulus cloud ensemble with the large-scale environment, Part I. J. Atmos. Sci., 31, 674-701.

Simulation using the prognostic CKE. The global-mean is reduced by more than 7% mostly in the tropics associated with a dramatic increase of anvil incidence in that region. The relaxation of the quasi-equilibrium assumption allows an "adjustment time" for cumulus convection and hence more persistent cumulus activity. The large anvil incidence leads to a large planetary albedo and reveals the problem in representing interactions among the parameterized physical processes.
Randall, D. A. and D.-M. Pan, 1993: Implementation of the Arakawa-Schubert cumulus parameterization with a prognostic closure. Monograph on Cumulus parameterization, 137-144.

To bring the global-mean planetary albedo back to the observed, we introduced "fractional coverage" of the anvil clouds. This simple anvil parameterization produces the results in the figure above. Comparing the three simulations with the observations shown below, we see the improvement in the precipitation distribution. The maxima over the Amazon and southern Africa appear to be obvious. The fractional anvil allows more incoming solar radiation in the tropics. The land surface is more sensitive to the solar radiation than oceans. The intensified surface heat fluxes activate more vigorous cumulus convection over land.
Pan, D.-M., 1995: Development and application of a prognostic cumulus parameterization. Ph. D. dissertation. Colorado State University, Ft. Collins., 207 pp.

Observed Precipitation.
Legates and Willmott(1990).

Dzong-Ming Pan