The Intel® Fortran run-time system recognizes several environment variables. These variables can be used to customize run-time diagnostic error reporting, for example.
The run-time environment variables are:
If this variable is set to Y or y, a core dump will be taken when any
severe Intel Fortran run-time error occurs. If the
program is executing under a debugger, a signal will be raised, which
will allow you to trace back to where the error was detected.
This variable specifies the numbers of the units to be used for little-endian-to-big-endian
conversion purposes. See Environment Variable F_UFMTENDIAN
The ACCEPT statement does not include an explicit logical unit number.
Instead, it uses an implicit internal logical unit number and the FOR_ACCEPT environment
variable. If FOR_ACCEPT
is not defined, the code ACCEPT
reads from stdin
(standard input). If FOR_ACCEPT
is defined (as a file name optionally containing a path), the specified
file would be read.
If this variable is set to the name of a file, diagnostic output
is written to the specified file.
The Fortran run-time system attempts to open that file (append output)
and write the error information (ASCII text) to the file.
The setting of FOR_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_FILE is independent of FOR_DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC_DISPLAY, so you can disable the screen
display of information but still capture the error information in a file.
The text string you assign for the file name is used literally, so you
must specify the full name. If the file open fails, no error is reported
and the run-time system continues diagnostic processing.
Disables the display of all error information.
This variable is helpful if you just want to test the error status
of your program and do not want the Fortran run-time system to display
any information about an abnormal program termination.
This variable disables the call stack trace information that follows
the displayed severe error message text.
The Fortran run-time error message is displayed whether or not FOR_DISABLE_STACK_TRACE
is set to true.
This variable disables the default run-time exception handling, for
example, to allow just-in-time debugging. The run-time system exception
handler returns EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH to the operating system, which
looks for other handlers to service the exception.
This variable disables the display of dialog boxes when certain exceptions
or errors occur. This is useful when running many test programs in batch
mode to prevent a failure from stopping execution of the entire test stream.
Neither the PRINT statement nor
a WRITE statement with an asterisk
(*) in place of a unit number includes an explicit logical unit number.
Instead, both use an implicit internal logical unit number and the FOR_PRINT environment
variable. If FOR_PRINT
is not defined, the code PRINT f,iolist
(*,f) iolist
writes to stdout (standard
output). If FOR_PRINT is defined (as a filename
optionally containing a path), the specified file would be written to.
A READ statement that uses an asterisk (*) in place of a unit number
does not include an explicit logical unit number. Instead, it uses an
implicit internal logical unit number and the FOR_READ
environment variable. If FOR_READ
is not defined, the code READ (*,f) iolist
reads from stdin (standard
input). If FOR_READ is defined (as a filename
optionally containing a path), the specified file would be read.
The TYPE statement does not include an explicit logical unit number.
Instead, it uses an implicit internal logical unit number and the FOR_TYPE environment variable.
If FOR_TYPE is not defined, the code TYPE f,iolist
to stdout (standard output). If FOR_TYPE
is defined (as a filename optionally containing a path), the specified
file would be written to.
Lets you request that buffered I/O should be used at run time for output
of all Fortran I/O units, except those with output to the terminal. This
provides a run-time mechanism to support the -assume
buffered_io compiler option.
Lets you specify the data format for an unformatted file associated
with a particular unit number (n). See Methods
of Specifying the Data Format: Overview and Environment
Variable FORT_CONVERTn Method.
Lets you specify the data format for unformatted files with a particular
file extension suffix (ext). See Methods of Specifying
the Data Format: Overview and Environment Variable
Lets you specify the file name for a particular unit number (n), when a file name is not specified in the
OPEN statement
or an implicit OPEN
is used, and the compiler option -fpscomp filesfromcmd
was not specified. Preconnected files attached to units 0, 5, and 6 are
by default associated with system standard I/O files.
The path for the Intel Fortran run-time error message catalog.
This variable displays more detailed call stack information in the
event of an error.
The default brief output is usually sufficient to determine where an
error occurred. Brief output includes up to twenty stack frames, reported
one line per stack frame. For each frame, the image name, followed by
the PC, routine name, line number, and source file are given.
The verbose output, if selected, will provide (in addition to the information
in brief output) the exception context record if the error was a machine
exception (machine register dump), and for each frame, the return address,
frame pointer and stack pointer and possible parameters to the routine.
This output can be quite long (but limited to 16K bytes) and use of the
environment variable FOR_DIAGNOSTIC_LOG_FILE is recommended if you want
to capture the output accurately. Most situations should not require the
use of verbose output.
The variable FOR_ENABLE_VERBOSE_STACK_TRACE is also recognized for compatibility
with Compaq* Fortran.
This variable displays complete file name information for traceback
output, including the path.
By default, the traceback output displays only the file name and extension
in the source file field. You must set this variable to display more.
is also recognized for compatibility with Compaq* Fortran.
and TEMP
Specifies an alternate working directory where temporary files are
created. See Temporary Files Created by the Compiler
or Linker.