How to Use This Document

The Compiler Options Reference contains the following information:

For further information on compiler options, see documents Building Applications and Optimizing Applications.

In this guide, compiler options are available on all supported processors unless otherwise identified.

Notation Conventions
this type style Italic, monospaced text indicates placeholders for information that you must supply.
{value|value} Braces and a vertical bar indicate a choice among two or more items. You must choose one of the items unless all of the items are also enclosed in square brackets.
Windows This term refers to information that is valid on all supported Microsoft* Windows* operating systems.
Linux This term refers to information that is valid on all supported Linux* operating systems.
Mac OS This term refers to information that is valid on Intel®-based systems running Mac OS*.
/option or
A slash before an option name indicates the option is available on Windows systems. A dash before an option name indicates the option is available on Linux and Mac OS systems. For example:
Windows option: /fast
Linux and Mac OS option: -fast


If an option is available on Windows systems and on Linux and Mac OS systems, no slash or dash appears in the general description of the option. The slash and dash will only appear where the option syntax is described.

/option:parameter or
-option parameter
Indicates that an option requires a parameter.
For example, you must specify a parameter for option arch:
Windows option: /arch:SSE
Linux and Mac OS option: -arch SSE
/option: keyword or
Indicates that an option requires one of the keyword values.
/option[: keyword] or
-option [
keyword ]
Indicates that the option can be used alone or with an optional keyword.
option[n] Indicates that the option can be used alone or with an optional value; for example, in /unroll[n] or -unroll[n], the n can be omitted or a valid value can be specified.
option[-] Indicates that a trailing hyphen disables the option; for example, /Qansi_alias- disables the Windows option /Qansi_alias.
[no]option or
Indicates that "no" or "no-" preceding an option disables the option. For example:
In the Windows option /[no]traceback, /traceback enables the option, while /notraceback disables it.
In the Linux and Mac OS option -[no-]ansi-alias, -ansi-alias enables the option, while -no-ansi-alias disables it.
In some options, the "no" appears later in the option name; for example:
disables the -falias option.