Deprecated and Removed Compiler Options

Deprecated Options

Occasionally, compiler options are marked as "deprecated." Deprecated options are still supported in the current release, but are planned to be unsupported in future releases.

The following options are deprecated in this release of the compiler:

Linux* Options Suggested Replacement
-F -preprocess_only or -P
-Kpic, -KPIC -fpic
-prof-format-32 None
-syntax -syntax-only
-tpp5 None
-tpp6 None
-tpp7 None
Windows* Options Suggested Replacement
/Fm /map
/G5 None
/G6 (or /GB) None
/G7 None
/Ge /Gs0
/Qprof-format-32 None
/ML and /MLd None
/Zd /debug:partial and /debug:minimal

Deprecated options are not limited to this list.

Removed Options

Some compiler options are no longer supported and have been removed. If you use one of these options, the compiler issues a warning, ignores the option, and then proceeds with compilation.

This version of the compiler no longer supports the following compiler options:

Linux* Options
-ipo-obj (and -ipo_obj)
Windows* Options
/4ccD (and /4ccd)
/Qipo-obj (and /Qipo_obj)

Removed options are not limited to these lists.