
Tells the compiler which type of run-time library to link to.

IDE Equivalent

Windows: Libraries > Runtime Library (/libs:{static|dll|qwin|qwins}, /threads, /dbglibs)
Linux: None
Mac OS: None


IA-32, IntelŪ EM64T, IntelŪ ItaniumŪ architecture


Linux and Mac OS: None
Windows:  /libs[:keyword]


keyword Specifies the type of run-time library to link to. Possible values are:
  static Specifies a single-threaded, static library (same as specifying /libs).
  dll Specifies a single-threaded, dynamic-link (DLL) library.
  qwin Specifies the Fortran QuickWin library.
  qwins Specifies the Fortran Standard Graphics library.


/libs:static or /libs The compiler links to a single-threaded, static run-time library.


This option tells the compiler which type of run-time library to link to.

The library can be statically or dynamically loaded, multithreaded (/threads) or single-threaded, or debug (/dbglibs) or nondebug.

If you use the /libs:dll option and an unresolved reference is found in the DLL, it gets resolved when the program is executed, during program loading, reducing executable program size.

If you use the /libs:qwin or /libs:qwins option with the /dll option, the compiler issues a warning.

You cannot use the /libs:qwin option and options /libs:dll /threads.

The following table shows which options to specify for different run-time libraries:

Type of Library Options Required Alternate Option
Single-threaded, static /libs:static or
Multithreaded /libs:static
Debug single-threaded /libs:static
Debug multithreaded /libs:static
Single-threaded, dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) /libs:dll /MDs
Debug single-threaded, dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) /libs:dll
Multithreaded DLLs /libs:dll
Multithreaded debug DLLs /libs:dll
Fortran QuickWin multi-doc applications /libs:qwin /MW
Fortran standard graphics (QuickWin single-doc) applications /libs:qwins /MWs
Debug Fortran QuickWin multi-doc applications /libs:qwin
Debug Fortran standard graphics (QuickWin single-doc) applications /libs:qwins

Alternate Options

/libs:dll Linux and Mac OS:None
Windows: /MDs
/libs:static Linux and Mac OS: None
Windows: /ML
/libs:qwin Linux and Mac OS: None
Windows: /MW
/libs:qwins  Linux and Mac OS: None
Windows: /MWs

See Also

threads compiler option

dbglibs compiler option

Building Applications:
Programming with Mixed Languages Overview