Optimizer Report Generation

This topic discusses the compiler options related to creating optimization reports, typical report generation syntax, and optimization phases available for reporting.

The Intel® compiler provides the following options to generate and manage optimization reports:






Generates an optimization report and directs it to stderr. By default, the compiler does not generate optimization reports.

For more information, see the following topic:



Specifies the optimization phase to use when generating reports. See Specifying Optimizations to Generate Reports (below) for information about supported phases.

For additional information, see the following topic:



Generates an optimization report and directs the report output to the specified file name. If the file is not in the local directory, supply the full path to the output file.

This option overrides the opt-report option.

For more information, see the following topic:



Specifies the detail level in the optimization report. The min argument provides the minimal summary and max produces the full report.

For more information, see the following topic:



Generates reports from all routines with names containing a string as part of their name; pass the string as an argument to this option. If not specified, the compiler will generate reports on all routines.

For more information, see the following topic:

Use syntax similar to the following to generate optimization reports.


Sample Syntax


ifort -opt-report -opt-report-phase all myfile.f


ifort /Qopt-report /Qopt-report-phaseall myfile.f

These example commands instruct the compiler to generate a report and send the results to stderr and specifies that the reports should include information about all available optimizers.

In most cases, specifying all as the phase will generate too much information to be useful.

If you want to capture the report in an output file instead of sending it to stderr, specify -opt-report-file (Linux) or /Qopt-report-file (Windows) and indicate an output file name. Specify -c (Linux) or /c (Windows) to instruct the compiler to not invoke the linker; the compiler stops after generating object code.

Specifying Optimizations to Generate Reports

The compiler can generate reports for the optimizer you specify in the phase argument of the -opt-report-phase (Linux) or /Qopt-report-phase (Windows) option. The following optimizers are supported:

Optimizer Phase

High-level Categories


All phases


Itanium® Compiler Code Generator


Mac OS*: This phase is not supported.


High-level Language Optimizer


Intermediate Language Scalar Optimizer


Interprocedural Optimizer


Profile-Guided Optimizer

See Interprocedural Optimizations (IPO) Report, High-Level Optimization (HLO) Report, and Software Pipelining (SWP) Report for examples of using these optimization reports.

When one of the logical names is specified, as shown above, the compiler generates all reports from that optimizer. The option can be used multiple times on the same command line to generate reports for multiple optimizers. For example, for if you specified -opt-report-phase ipo -opt-report-phase hlo (Linux) or /Qopt-report-phase ipo /Qopt-report-phase hlo (Windows) the compiler generates reports from the interprocedural optimizer and the high-level optimizer code generator.

The following table shows the optimizations available by architecture.


Supported Optimizers

IA-32, IntelŪ EM64T, and ItaniumŪ-based systems

  • ilo and pgo

  • hlo: supported only if -O3 (Linux) or /O3 (Windows) option is specified.

  • ipo: supported only if interprocedural optimizer is invoked with -ip or -ipo (Linux) or /Qip or /Qipo (Windows).

  • all:  the above optimizers if -O3 (Linux) or /O3 (Windows) and -ip or -ipo (Linux) or /Qip or /Qipo (Windows) are specified.

ItaniumŪ-based systems only

  • all:  the above optimizers if -O3 (Linux) or /O3 (Windows) and -ip or -ipo (Linux) or /Qip or /Qipo (Windows) are specified

  • hlo and ipo: if either a hlo or ipo is specified, but the controlling option, -O3 (Linux) or /O3 (Windows) or -ip and -ipo (Linux) or /Qip and /Qipo (Windows), is not enabled, the compiler generates an empty report.

  • ecg

Each of the optimizer logical names supports many specific, targeted optimizations within them. However, each of the targeted optimizations have the prefix of the optimizer name. Enter -opt-report-help (Linux) or /Qopt-report-help (Windows) to list the names of optimizers that are supported. The following table lists some examples:

Optimizer optimization



Interprocedural Optimizer, inline expansion of functions


Interprocedural Optimizer, constant propagation


High-level Optimizer, loop unrolling


High-level Optimizer, prefetching


Itanium®-based Compiler Code Generator, software pipelining

The entire name for a particular optimization within an optimizer need not be fully specified; in many cases, the first few characters should suffice to generate reports. All optimization reports that have a matching prefix are generated.

Viewing the Optimization Reports Graphically (Linux)

In addition to the text-based optimization reports, the Intel® compiler can now generate the necessary information to allow the OptReport feature in Intel® VTune™ Linux 8.x to display the optimization reports graphically. See the VTune™ Performance Analyzer documentation for details.

To generate the graphical report display, you must do the following:

  1. Set the VT_ENABLE_OPTIMIZATION_REPORT environment variable to ON.
    (This is an VTune™ Performance Analyzer environment setting, which is not required for the compiler to generate text-based optimization reports.)

  2. Compile the application using the following optimization reports options, at a minimum: -opt-report-phase and -opt-report-file.

As with the text-based reports, the graphical report information can be generated on all architectures; however, you can only view the graphical reports on IA-32 and Intel EM64T architectures.