Example of Profile-Guided Optimization

The sections in this topic provide examples of the three basic PGO phases, or steps:

When you use PGO, consider the following guidelines:


The compiler issues a warning that the dynamic information does not correspond to a modified function.

Profile-guided Optimization (PGO) Phases

Instrumentation Compilation and Linking

Use -prof-gen (Linux) or /Qprof-gen (Windows) to produce an executable with instrumented information included.

Use the -prof-dir (Linux) or /Qprof-dir (Windows) option if the application includes the source files located in multiple directories. -prof-dir (Linux) or /Qprof-dir (Windows) insures the profile information is generated in one consistent place. The following example commands demonstrate how to combine these options:




ifort -prof-gen -prof-dir/usr/profdata -c a1.f a2.f a3.f

ifort -oa1 a1.o a2.o a3.o


ifort /Qprof-gen /Qprof-dirc:\profdata /c a1.f a2.f a3.f

ifort a1.obj a2.obj a3.obj

In place of the second command, you can use the linker directly to produce the instrumented program.


The compiler gathers extra information when you use the -prof-genx (Linux) or /Qprof-genx (Windows) qualifier; however, the additional static information gathered using the option can be used by specific tools only. See Basic PGO Options.

Instrumented Execution

Run your instrumented program with a representative set of data to create one or more dynamic information files. The following examples demonstrate the command lines for running the executable generated by the example commands (listed above):







Executing the instrumented applications generates dynamic information file that has a unique name and .dyn suffix. A new .dyn file is created every time you execute the instrumented executable.

The instrumented file helps predict how the program runs with a particular set of data. You can run the program more than once with different input data.

Feedback Compilation

The final phase compiles and links the sources files using the dynamic information generated in the instrumented execution phase. Compile and link the source files with -prof-use (Linux) or /Qprof-use (Windows) to use the dynamic information to guide the optimization of your program, according to its profile:




ifort -prof-use -prof-dir/usr/profdata -ipo a1.f a2.f a3.f


ifort /Qprof-use /Qprof-dirc:\profdata /Qipo a1.f a2.f a3.f

In addition to the optimized executable, the compiler produces a pgopti.dpi file.

You typically specify the default optimizations, -02 (Linux) or /O2 (Windows) , for phase 1, and specify more advanced optimizations, -ipo (Linux) or /Qipo (Windows), for phase 3. For example, the example shown above used -O2 (Linux) or /O2 (Windows) in phase 1 and -ipo (Linux) or /Qipo (Windows) in phase 3.


The compiler ignores the -ipo (Linux) or /Qipo (Windows) option with -prof-gen (Linux) or /Qprof-gen (Windows).

See Basic PGO Options.