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Equations in a Model and Simple Examples
One-dimensional Models

groundtemp 2. Variations of temperature with latitude – the energy balance model
In this model, the extra dimension is latitude. Naturally, surface temperatures are warmer near the Equator and colder near the Poles. This is primarily due to the incoming solar radiation. However, there must be some transportation of heat from the Equator to the Poles, otherwise the tropics would get very hot and the Poles would get very cold (especially the winter pole, since it gets no sunlight).

According to the equations in this model, the poleward transport of heat is dependent on this temperature gradient. The model calculates the surface temperature as a function of latitude and allows for transport of heat from warm to cold places. This transport is an essential part of all climate models.

Read about the plot to the right here.

Shodor has an energy balance model website that explains this model further.

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