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David A. Randall, Professor |
Group Website
Refereed Publications |
Center for Multiscale Modeling of Atmospheric Processes (CMMAP) A National Science Foundation (NSF) Science and Technology Center from 2006-2016 focused on improving the representation of cloud processes in climate models and encouraging interest in the Atmospheric Sciences from primary grades through graduate work and internships while promoting diversity. |
EarthWorks Community-based weather and climate simulation with a global storm-resolving model. |
Earth System Modeling and Education Institute (ESMEI) Institutional Legacy of CMMAP. ESMEI engages in earth system modeling with an atmospheric focus, and welcomes interdisciplinary collaboration to explore novel and existing research problems and to optimize education efforts. |
Nonhydrostatic Dynamical Core Develop and apply a global nonhydrostatic dynamical core based on three-dimensional vorticity dynamics. Supporting Agency: Department of Energy. |
Unified Parameterization of the CAM Improve, test, and evaluate a Unified Parameterization of cumulus convection for use in the Community Atmosphere Model. Supporting Agency: National Science Foundation. |
Climate Process Team A Climate Process Team for improving the operational forecast model of the U. S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction. The PI on the CPT is Steve Krueger of the University of Utah. Our job at CSU is to improve the cumulus parameterization. Supporting Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. |
REU Site Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Climate Science at Colorado State University. This is our summer intern program, which started in 2007. Project PI: A. Scott Denning. Supporting Agency: National Science Foundation. |
MJO Air-sea Interaction and Island Geography Impacts on MJO Initiation and Propagation Through the Maritime Continent. Project PI: Charlotte DeMott. Supporting Agency: National Science Foundation. |
Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy Here we work to create a super-parameterized version of DOE's ACME model, optimized to use the GPUs on the supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Project PI: David Randall. Supporting Agency: Lawrence Livermore National Lab (Prime: Department of Energy). |
Global Quasi-3D MMF Develop and apply a global nonhydrostatic dynamical core based on three-dimensional vorticity dynamics. Supporting Agency: Department of Energy. |
Unified Parameterization in NCAR CAM Implementation and evaluation of the Unified Parameterization in NCAR Community Atmospheric Model. We are implementing the Unified Parameterization (UP) in the Community Atmosphere Model. We are also generalizing the UP, and using large-eddy simulations to test the closure that it is based on. Project PI: Minoru Chikira. Supporting Agency: National Science Foundation. |
Quasi-3D MMF in ACME Implementation of a Quasi-3D Multiscale Modeling Framework to ACME. We are creating a version of the Community Atmosphere Model that uses the Quasi-Three-Dimensional Multiscale Modeling Framework (Q3D MMF), which is a second-generation super-parameterization. The focus here is on the dynamical implementation of the Q3D MMF. Project PI: David Randall. The work is being led by Joon-Hee Jung. Supporting Agency: Department of Energy. |
Quantifying Stochastic Forcing at Convective Scales We are creating a super-parameterized version of the operational forecast model used by the U. S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction. The option will exist to use multiple cloud-resolving models within each grid column of the global forecast model. The purpose is to generate an ensemble of forecasts in which the initial perturbations used by the ensemble members differ only on the convective scales. Project PI: David Randall. Supporting Agency: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. |
ACME Improvements Use of Remote Sensing and In-Situ Observations to Develop and Evaluate Improved Representations of Convection and Clouds for the Accelerated Climate Model for Energy. We are collaborating with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) to implement new physical parameterizations in the Q3D MMF, including parameterizations of microphysics and aerosols that have been developed at PNNL. Project PI: David Randall. Supporting Agency: Department of Energy. |