The model used for performing the following research work is the UCLA/CSU CEM,
developed by S. Krueger and A. Arakawa at UCLA. It has been modified and
improved at CSU in the last few years.
CEMs are designed to simulate the formation of an ensemble of clouds
that developed simultaneously and randomly inside the model domain under a
given large-scale condition as if the CEM was situated with a grid box of a
large-scale numerical model. Thus, information on large-scale destabilizing
and moistening rates is imposed on CEM grid points uniformly in the horizontal.
The methods for imposing large-scale forcings are identical to those used in
Single-column Models (SCMs). See Randall et al. (1996) for further discussion.
The major difference between an SCM and a CEM is that cloud-scale circulations are
explicitly resolved in a CEM, but must be parameterized in an SCM. CEMs can
simulate bulk cloud properties such as cloud fraction and condensate mixing
ratio, which are not reliably observed. Moreover, the simulated variables
associated with the statistical properties of the clouds are internally
consistent. On the other hand, CEMs do not explicitly resolve every scale of
motions; they must have finer-scale parameterizations such as turbulence
closure, cloud microphysics and radiative transfer. CEMs have additional
limitations, for example, the periodic lateral-boundary conditions. These
limitations may or may not impact the simulated cloud-scale processes that
have to be parameterized in an SCM. Thus, CEMs can be used as a valuable or
complementary tool for SCMs to achieve the goal of improving cloud
parameterizations in GCMs or numerical weather prediction models
(Browning 1994; Randall et al. 1996).
A concise description of the UCLA/CSU CEM is as follows. A detailed description
can be found in Krueger (1988), Xu and Krueger (1991), Krueger et al. (1995),
and Xu and Randall (1995a).
Browning, K. A., 1994:
Harshvardhan, R. Davies, D. A. Randall, and T. G. Corsetti, 1987:
Kessler, E., 1969:
Krueger, S. K., 1988:
Krueger, S. K., Q. Fu, K. N. Liou, and H.-N. Chin, 1995:
Lord, S. J., H. E. Willoughby, and J. M. Piotrowicz, 1984:
Randall, Xu, Somerville and Iacobellis, 1996:
Xu and Krueger, 1991:
Xu and Randall 1995a:
Main figures related to the simulations are presented in the following paragraphs
[see Xu and Randall (1999) for details].
All surface constraint variables are first gridded and then areally averaged.
Measurements from a variety of platforms such as the sondes, surface meteorological
observation system (SMOS), energy balance/Bowen ratio (EBBR), and Oklahoma (OK)
Mesonet and Kansas Mesonet were merged to produce the surface composites for the
constrained variational analysis. There are two versions of analyses performed
by M.-H. Zhang, one with the EBBR surface fluxes and the other with the SiB2
surface fluxes. In Figs. 2 and 3, only the SiB2 fluxes-based analysis is shown.
I. The cumulus ensemble model
Fig. 1: A concise description of the UCLA/CSU CEM.
GEWEX cloud system study (GCSS) science plan.
IGPO Publication Series, No. 11, International GEWEX Project Office, 84 pp.
A fast radiation parameterization for general circulation models. J. Geophys. Res.,
92, 1009-1016.
On the Distribution and Continuity of Water Substance in Atmospheric
Circulations. Meteor. Monogr. No. 32, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 84 pp.
Numerical simulation of tropical cumulus clouds
and their interaction with the subcloud layer. J. Atmos. Sci.,
45, 2221-2250.
Improvements of an
ice-phase microphysics parameterization for use in numerical simulations of
tropical convection. J. Appl. Metero., 34, 281-287.
Role of a parameterized ice-phase microphysics in an axisymmetric, nonhyologic
tropical cyclone model. J. Atmos. Sci., 41, 2836-2848.
Single-column models and
cloud ensemble models as links between observations and climate models.
Journal of Climate, 9, 1683-1697.
Evaluation of cloudiness parameterizations using a cumulus ensemble model.
Monthly Weather Review,
119, 342-367.
Impact of interactive radiative transfer on the
macroscopic behavior of cumulus ensembles. Part I: Radiation parameterization
and sensitivity tests. J. Atmos. Sci., 52, 785-799.
II. Simulations of the July 1995 ARM IOP
The following describes some results from simulations of cumulus ensembles
at the Southern Great Plains during the July 1995 Intensive Observation Period
(IOP) of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) program. A detailed
comparison with available observations is made. In general, the CEM simulated
results agree reasonably well with the available observations from the July 1995 IOP.
The differences between simulations and observations are, however, much larger than
those obtained in tropical cases, especially those based on the GARP Atlantic Tropical
Experiment Phase III data. The radiative budgets and satellite-observed cloud amounts
are also compared with observations. Although the agreements are reasonably
good, some deficiencies of the model and inadequate accuracy of large-scale
advective tendencies can be clearly seen from the comparisons. Sensitivity simulations
are performed to address some of these uncertainties.
a. The imposed large-scale forcings
The July 1995 IOP covers an 18-day period, starting from 0000 UTC on 18
July and ending at 2300 UTC on 4 August. Balloon-borne soundings of winds,
temperature and dewpoint temperature are obtained every 3 h from the cloud and
radiation testbed (CART) central facility located near Lamont, OK (36.61 N,
97.49 W) and from four boundary facilities, which form a rectangle of
approximate 300 km x 370km. Hourly wind data from 17 profilers surrounding
the CART array are also available as additional inputs for the constrained
variational objective analysis performed by M.-H. Zhang (see Zhang and Lin 1997).
This analysis provides a dynamically and thermodynamically consistent data set
in terms of vertically integrated quantities, with adjustments not far exceeding
the uncertainties of the original measurements.
The baseline simulation for the intercomparion study is D2, which uses the total advective forcing shown in Figs. 2 and 3. Simulation D shown below is identical to D2 except for using the EBBR fluxes-based analysis. The advective forcings are only slightly different between the two versions of the analyses. The surface fluxes prescribed in the model are, however, drastically different during daytime (Doran et al. 1998). In addition, the horizontal inhomogeneity of the surface fluxes is allowed in the CEM.
The following figures (Figs. 4-8 and 10) indicates that the simulated results compare favorably with the selected observations although the simulated temperature and moisture biases are higher than those for tropical cases. The baseline simulation D2 is slightly superior than D in the time series of precipitable water and the vertical profile of temperature (Fig. 10a).
Based upon the intercomparison study (Ghan et al. 1999), the differences in results between EBBR and SiB2 fluxes are much smaller than those between the different forcing methods. Another question yet to be answered is how much diferences are due to the surface fluxes and how much differences are due to the changes in the large-scale forcings. The large RMS temperature differences in the upper troposphere (Figs. 10a and 10b) suggests that the changes in the large-scale forcings do impact the results.
Simulations E and E2 shown in Fig. 10 are respectively identical to D and D2 except for adopting the vertical advective forcing method. Figure 11 and 12 show the time-height cross sections of temperature and moisture differences between simulations E2 and D2. The different methods do impact the results, i.e., in the vertical profiles and temporal evolutions of temperature and moisture (in the lower troposphere only).
Which method produces better results? It depends upon the subperiods in the simulation. Take the 18-day simulation as a whole, the answer can be found in Fig. 10 by judging the magnitudes of the RMS biases. For the runs with the SiB2 fluxes, simulation D2 is slightly better, while simulation E is slightly better for the runs with the EBBR fluxes. Thus, Li et al.'s conclusion is dependent upon the quality of the given data set. If the forcing data is very accurate, the total advective forcing method is superior as far as the UCLA/CSU CEM is concerned.
The differences in the simulated results using the LLNL and SUNY forcings are apparently larger than those due to forcing methods or the surface fluxes shown above. The surface precipitation rate is only well reproduced at the end of the IOP with the LLNL forcing (Fig. 14). The precipitable water is well underestimated during the IOP (Fig. 15). This result is related to the much larger advective drying in the lower troposphere of the LLNL forcing (Fig. 13b).
On the other hand, a surprising strength of the LLNL analysis is that more abundant upper-level clouds are produced in spite of weak intensity of surface precipitation so that the OLR agrees with satellite observations rather well (Fig. 16). This is related to the similarity in the forcing data in the upper troposphere (Fig. 13). The lack of surface precipitation is due to the fact that the drier atmosphere does not allow rainwater to reach the ground due to evaporation.
Barnes, S. K., 1964:
A technique for maximizing details in numerical weather map analysis. J. Appl. Meteor.,
3, 396-409.
Doran, J. C., J. M. Hubbe, J. C. Liljegren, W. J. Shaw, G. J. Collatz, D. R. Cook, and R. L.
Hart, 1998.
A technique for determining the spatial and temporal distributions of
surface fluxes of heat and moisture over the southern great plains cloud and radiation
testbed. J. Geophys. Res., 103, 6109-6121.
Ghan, S., and 19 coauthors, 1999:
An intercomparison of single column model simulations of summertime midlatitude continental
convection. J. Geophys. Res., (to be submitted).
Leach, M., R. Cederwall, etc. 1999:
Objective anaylsis of ARM SCM IOP data sets (to be submitted).
Li, X., C.-H. Sui, K.-M. Lau, and M.-D. Chou, 1999:
Large-scale forcing and cloud-radiation interaction in the tropical deep convective regime.
J. Atmos. Sci., (in press).
Xu, and Randall, 1999:
Explicit simulation of midlatitude cumulus ensembles. Part I: Comparison with ARM data.
J. Atmos. Sci., (submitted).
Zhang, M. H., and J. L. Lin, 1997:
Constrained variational analysis of sounding data based on column-integrated budgets of mass,
heat, moisture, and momentum: Approach and application to ARM measurements.
J. Atmos. Sci., 54, 1503-1524.
The TOGA COARE analysis performed at SUNY with the variational analysis is used
for studying the sensitivities to the initial condition and the large-scale
forcing. Three versions of the analysis are available, with slightly different
constrained data.
All simulations start from 18 Z December 18 1992, using the total advective forcing
method. For each version of the data set, three different initital conditions are used,
as in the GATE simulation. The results shown in Figs. 19, 20 (precipitable water) and 21
(surface precipitation rate) indicate that the results are more sensitive to the initial
conditions than to the imposed large-scale forcings. Remember that precipitable water
is a vertically integrated quantity. The differences between the purturbation runs are
as large as those between simulation and observation. Those between different versions
of the data set are smaller (Fig. 20). Again, this suggest that the ensemble simulations
are needed to obtain representative results for a given large-scale forcing data set.
The larger sensitivity to the initial condition is probably related to the coare
temporal resolution of the TOGA COARE data set (6 h vs. 3 h in GATE). That is, a
comparison of temporal variations from a single simulation with observations is
probably more misleading with the TOGA COARE data set than the GATE data set.
III. Simulations of tropical oceanic convection
a. GATE Phase III
Description of GATE simulations and available CEM data for SCM validations
GCSS WG4 Intercomparison Study: Case 2
c. Sensitivity to initial condition and forcing data
The GATE simulation was performed with slightly altered initial conditions. An
ensemble average of three simulations was used to represent the simulated results.
From Figs. 17 and 18, both temperature and specific humidity deviations from the
ensemble average can be much higher than the initial purturbations. The
timing of the occurrence of mesoscale systems can be related to the large
amplitudes of the deviations, for example, around day 12 (12 September 1974).
Another point worth mentioning is that the temperature and specific humidity
deviations of the unperturbed run is not always the smallest among the three runs.
Thus, an ensemble of simulations, instead of a single simulation, are needed to
obtain the best results for a given large-scale forcing data set.
Figure 22 shows the mean profiles of the heat and moisture budget components over 18-day for ARM (simulation D2) and GATE (simulation G) data set. Significant differences between the two simulations appear in the condensation and evaporation rates. The condensation rate is much smaller in midlatitudes than in the Tropics, due to smaller amounts of shallow clouds. The evaporation rates are more comparable, in spite of the drier midlatitude atmosphere, because in-cloud evaporation in D2 is rather small.
The sign of buoyancy is important for determining whether or not the updraft (downdraft) is accelerating or decelerating. Observations of Jorgensen and LeMone (1989), Lucas et al. (1994) and Wei et al. (1998) showed that downdrafts with positive buoyancy and updrafts with negative buoyancy commonly occur, suggesting that decelerating drafts occur almost as commonly as accelerating drafts.
Draft statistics from cloud-resolving simulations of tropical and midlatitude cumulus convection are examined, following the procedure used in observations. Only the drafts with absolute vertical velocities exceeding 1 m/s are included in the statistics. Statistics of vertical velocity, buoyancy with/without loading effects, liquid static energy, total water mixing ratio, condensate mixing ratio are provided.
In general, we find that the medium values of updraft/downdraft strengths and other properties show the greatest similarity between tropical and midlatitude cumulus convection. The strongest 10% of midlatitude drafts are different from their counterparts in the Tropics (Fig. 23), with much stronger downdrafts and updrafts in the midlatitudes. The greatest differences in the statistics of thermodynamic properties of midlatitude and tropical cumulus convection occur in the lower troposphere, due to the much drier environments of the continental convection (Figs. 23, 24 and 25).
Jorgensen, D. P., and M. A. LeMone, 1989:
Vertical velocity characteristics of
oceanic convection. J. Atmos. Sci., 46, 621-640.
Jorgensen, D. P., E. J. Zipser, and M. A. LeMone, 1985:
Vertical motions in internse hurricanes. J. Atmos. Sci., 42, 839-856.
LeMone, M. A., and E. J. Zipser, 1980:
Cumulonimbus vertical velocity events
in GATE. Part I: Diameter, intensity and mass flux. J. Atmos. Sci., 37,
Lucas, C., E. J. Zipser, and M. A. LeMone, 1994:
Vertical velocity off Tropical Australia. J. Atmos. Sci., 51, 3183-3193.
Wei, D., A. M. Blyth, and D. J. Raymond, 1998:
Buoyancy of convective clouds in TOGA COARE.
J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 3381-3391.
V. Radiative-convective equilibrium simulations
The details of this type of simulations were given at Xu and Randall (1999).
VI. Detailed analysis of a composite easterly wave