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Center Director: David A. Randall
Operations Manager: Connie Hale

Director for Education and Diversity: A. Scott Denning   Director for Knowledge Transfer: Steve Krueger
Deputy Director: Chin-Hoh Moeng Director for Cyberinfrastructure: John Helly
Education and Diversity Manager: Melissa Burt Communications & Events Manager: Claire Moore

Research contacts | Education contacts | Knowledge Transfer contacts | Diversity

Sort By Last Name       Sort By Institution       Sort By Working Group       Sort By Objective
Name Institution Working Group Objectives Role in CMMAP
Jim Kinter COLA / IGES Knowledge-Transfer partner
Cristina Stan COLA / IGES Coupled Modeling Research 4 Knowledge-Transfer partner
Jordan Allen CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Nathan Arnold CSU / Atmospheric Science Postdoc
Ian Baker CSU / Atmospheric Science Land Surface Research 3 Model development - SiB
Mark Branson CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Coupled Modeling
Research 2
Research 4
Research 6
Model development
Melissa Burt CSU / Atmospheric Science Coupled Modeling
Science Education and Diversity
Research 4
Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Diversity 3
Diversity 4
Education and Diversity Manager
Don Dazlich CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Model development
Paul DeMott CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Model development -- microphysics parameterization
Charlotte DeMott CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Coupled Modeling
Research 2
Research 4
Research 5
Model evaluation
Scott Denning CSU / Atmospheric Science Land Surface
Science Education and Diversity
Research 3
Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Diversity 3
Diversity 4
Director for Education and Outreach; Use of MMFs to study the carbon cycle
Mostafa El-Kady CSU / Atmospheric Science Database & reporting
Grant Firl CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
Development of subgrid-scale parameterization; low cloud-climate interactions
Nick Geyer CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Alex Gonzalez CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Alex Goodman CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Connie Hale CSU / Atmospheric Science Project management
Ross Heikes CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Model Development
Todd Jones CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Graduate student - analysis of non-deterministic aspects of cloud parameterization
Joon-Hee Jung CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Development of quasi-3D MMF
Celal Konor CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Model development
Parker Kraus CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes Research 2 Graduate student
Sonia Kreidenweis CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes Research 2 Use of MMFs with aerosol and cloud microphysics parameterizations
Christian Kummerow CSU / Atmospheric Science Cloud-Climate Interactions Research 5 Liaison to TRMM and GPM; model evaluation
Leah Lindsey CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Eric Maloney CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Analysis of tropical general circulation
Peter Marinescu CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Isaac Medina CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes Research 2 Graduate student
Claire Moore CSU / Atmospheric Science Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 2
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Communications & Events Manager
Alexandra Naegele CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Casey Patrizio CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
David Randall CSU / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Land Surface
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Coupled Modeling
Science Education and Diversity
KT to Climate Modeling and NWP Centers
Director; development of improved MMF, GCRM, and conventional parameterizations
Emily Riley CSU / Atmospheric Science
Wayne Schubert CSU / Atmospheric Science KT to Climate Modeling and NWP Centers KT 1
KT 2
KT 3
KT 4
Development of the MMF with an emphasis on the choice of governing equations
Dakota Smith CSU / Atmospheric Science Graduate student
Kelley Wittmeyer CSU / Atmospheric Science CyberInfrastructure Research 6 Computer support
Millja Zupanski CSU / Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere Data assimilation
Leonard Albright CSU / Education Science Education and Diversity ED evaluation and assessment
Laura Sample McMeeking CSU / Education Science Education and Diversity ED evaluation and assessment
John Calderazzo CSU / English Science Education and Diversity Changing Climates program
SueEllen Campbell CSU / English Science Education and Diversity Changing Climates program
Sheila Ferguson CSU / Physics Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Little Shop of Physics teacher in residence
Brian Jones CSU / Physics Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Physics Director of Little Shop of Physics; K-12 education
Heather Michalak CSU / Physics Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Coordinator of Assessment and Outreach
Adam Pearlstein CSU / Physics Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
LSOP Assistant Director
Michele Betsill CSU / Political Science Science Education and Diversity Outreach to regional policymakers and the public
Silvia Canetto CSU / Psychology Science Education and Diversity Studies of diversity
Jaclyn Menendez CSU / Psychology Graduate student
Bernadette Pivarunas CSU / Psychology Graduate student
Mary Ontiveros CSU / VP Diversity Science Education and Diversity Diversity
Howard Drossman Colorado College / Environmental Science Science Education and Diversity Liaison to the Colorado College Environmental Studies Program
Barbara Whitten Colorado College / Environmental Science Science Education and Diversity Physics, Women's Studies, Women in Science
Tiffany Shaw Columbia University / Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory External Advisory Panel
Zhiming Kuang Harvard University / Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
Development of improved cloud parameterizations ; External Advisory Panel
Tomoe Nasuno JAMSTEC / FRCGC Development of improved CSRMs
William Collins Lawrence Berkeley Lab Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Developer of radiative transfer parameterizations; liaison to CCSM
Michael Wehner Lawrence Berkeley Lab External Advisory Panel
Bjorn Stevens Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Development of conventional parameterizations
Anthony Del Genio NASA / GISS
Bo-Wen Shen NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center
Wei-Kuo Tao NASA / Goddard Space Flight Center Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Development of improved MMFs, and application to data assimilation
Jui-Lin (Frank) Li NASA / JPL
Joao Teixeira NASA / JPL Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Testing MMF
Duane Waliser NASA / JPL Cloud-Climate Interactions
Coupled Modeling
Research 4
Research 5
MJO research
Anning Cheng NASA / Langley Research Center Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
Boundary layer parameterization
Kuan-Man Xu NASA / Langley Research Center Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
Development of boundary-layer parameterizations for use in the MMF
Wojciech Grabowski NCAR Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Development of improved CSRMs and MMFs
Andrew Gettelman NCAR Cloud-Climate Interactions Research 5 Cloud-Climate Interactions
Gordon Bonan NCAR Land Surface Research 3 Multiscale land-surface modeling
Andrew Heymsfield NCAR Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Parameterization of ice microphysics
Rachel McCrary NCAR Physical Processes
Coupled Modeling
Research 2
Research 4
Evaluation of model results by comparison with observations
Katherine Thayer-Calder NCAR Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Coupled Modeling
Research 2
Research 4
Research 5
Evaluation of simulated tropical atmospheric phenomena and development of improved convective parameterizations
Don Middleton NCAR CyberInfrastructure Research 6 Data management and high speed networking strategy
Peter Bogenschutz NCAR
Chin-Hoh Moeng NCAR Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
CMMAP Deputy Director and Development of boundary-layer parameterizations for use in the MMF
Ned Patton NCAR Physical Processes Research 2 Improve the represenation of land processes and boundary-layer turbulence in the MMF
Mitchell Moncrieff NCAR Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Development of the MMF
Judith Berner NCAR Development of the MMF
Hugh Morrison NCAR Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Richard Neale NCAR develop process-oriented diagnostics for climate models, develop boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation diagnostics, and develop diagnostics for MJO forecasts.
George Kiladis NOAA / Earth System Research Laboratory MJO research
Jin-L Lee NOAA / Earth System Research Laboratory
Tak Yamaguchi NOAA / Earth System Research Laboratory Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
Analysis of the role of entrainment in cloud growth and decay
Leo Donner NOAA / Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
KT to Climate Modeling and NWP Centers
Research 1
Research 2
Development of improved MMFs and improved conventional parameterizations
Augustin Vintzileos NOAA / NCEP develop process-oriented diagnostics for climate models, develop boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation diagnostics, and develop diagnostics for MJO forecasts.
Eric DeWeaver NSF Management Team Technical program manager
Anjuli Bamzai NSF Management Team Technical program manager
Dragana Brzakovic NSF Management Team OIA/OD, Representative
John C. Cherniavsky NSF Management Team Education Resource Representative
C.-H. Sui National Taiwan University
William Gustafson PNNL Cloud-Climate Interactions Research 5
Charlette Geffen PNNL
Steve Ghan PNNL Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Research on aerosols and cloud microphysics in climate change; External Advisory Panel
Mikhail Ovtchinnikov PNNL Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Model evaluation
Karen Schuchardt PNNL CyberInfrastructure Research 6 Data management
Minghuai Wang PNNL Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
Research on aerosol indirect effects using the MMF
David Swartz Poudre School District Science Education and Diversity Liaison to Poudre public schools; development and evaluation of SEE-ME
Jan Lanting Thompson School District Science Education and Diversity Liaison to Thompson public schools; development and evaluation of SEE-ME
Akio Arakawa UC-Los Angeles / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Research 1
Research 2
Development of improved MMF, GCRM, and conventional parameterizations
Verica Savic-Joycic UC-Los Angeles / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes Research 2
Chien-Ming Wu UC-Los Angeles / Atmospheric Science Cloud-Climate Interactions Research 5 Post-doc
John Helly UC-San Diego, / San Diego Supercomputer Center CyberInfrastructure Research 6 Director for Cyberinfrastructure, and liaison to SDSC
Richard Somerville UC-San Diego, / Scripps Institution of Oceanography Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Coupled Modeling
Science Education and Diversity
Research 2
Research 4
Research 5
Education 3
Education 4
Development of cloud-radiation parameterizations
Chengzhu Zhang UC-San Diego, / Scripps Institution of Oceanography Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Microphysics parameterization model development
Randy Russell UCAR Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Diversity 4
Education lead for SOARS activities
Rebecca Haacker-Santos UCAR Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Diversity 4
Director of SOARS
Bec Batchelor UCAR Science Education and Diversity Education 1
Education 2
Education 3
Education 4
Diversity 1
Diversity 2
Diversity 4
Diversity for SOARS activities
Gabriel Kooperman University of California-Irvine / Dept. of Earth System Science Physical Processes
Land Surface
Research 1
Research 2
Research 3
NSF Postdoctoral Fellow
Mike Pritchard University of California-Irvine / Dept. of Earth System Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Model evaluation
Robert Pincus University of Colorado / CIRES Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Development of cloud parameterizations
Brian Mapes University of Miami / RSMAS External Advisory Panel
Masahide Kimoto University of Tokyo / Center for Climate Systems Research Development of improved MMFs
Hiroaki Miura University of Tokyo / Center for Climate Systems Research Development of GCRM
Teruyuki Nakajim University of Tokyo / Center for Climate Systems Research Development of improved MMFs and climate simulation
Masaki Satoh University of Tokyo / Center for Climate Systems Research Development of improved MMFs
Akamasa Sumi University of Tokyo / Center for Climate Systems Research Development of improved MMFs
Ian Glenn University of Utah / Meteorology Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Graduate student
Adam Kochanski University of Utah / Meteorology Physical Processes Research 2 Development of improved microphysics and turbulence parameterizations for MMFs
Steven Krueger University of Utah / Meteorology Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
KT to Climate Modeling and NWP Centers
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
KT 1
KT 2
KT 3
KT 4
Director for Knowlege Transfer, development of improved microphysics and turbulence parameterizations for MMFs
Ruiyu Sun University of Utah / Meteorology
Peter Blossey University of Washington / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Coupled Modeling
Research 2
Research 4
Research 5
Christopher Bretherton University of Washington / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Coupled Modeling
Research 2
Research 4
Research 5
Improved understanding and representation of boundary-layer cloud processes and their feedbacks in the climate system, based on LES and multiscale modeling
Roger Marchand University of Washington / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Dynamical Framework
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 1
Research 2
Research 5
Model evaluation
Matt Wyant University of Washington / Atmospheric Science Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Research 2
Research 5
Application of MMF to low cloud feedback
Thomas Ackerman University of Washington / JISAO Physical Processes
Cloud-Climate Interactions
Science Education and Diversity
Research 2
Research 5
Model evaluation using ARM data
Revised November 16, 2015