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The research mission of CMMAP is to develop a new kind of global atmospheric model that can represent the effects of
clouds on weather and climate with greatly improved realism; to evaluate the new model by comparison of model results
with observations; and to apply the model to understand the interactions of clouds with other components of the Earth
system, including the atmosphere, the vegetated land surface, and the oceans.

CMMAP Research Highlights CMMAP Models
Models under development supported by CMMAP.


Quick link to Research Working Groups and Blogs :
Low-cloud Feedbacks | Dynamical Framework | MJO | Physical Processes

Research Objectives

Center Director
David A. Randall
222 Atmospheric Science West
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
970 491 8407

Research Team
Name Institution Role in CMMAP
Thomas Ackerman University of Washington, JISAO Model evaluation using ARM data
Akio Arakawa University of California, Los Angeles Development of improved GCMs and
cloud parameterizations
Peter Blossey University of Washington Physical Processes, Cloud-Climate Interactions & Coupled Modeling
Gordon Bonan National Center for Atmospheric Research Multiscale land-surface modeling
Mark Branson Colorado State University Model Development
Christopher Bretherton University of Washington Development of improved cloud parameterizations
Mingxuan Chen Colorado State University Model development
Anning Cheng Langley Research Center, NASA Development of boundary-layer parameterizations
for use in the MMF
Minoru Chikira Colorado State University Development of improved conventional parameterizations of cumulus convection and the boundary layer
William Collins Lawrence Berkeley Labs / UC Berkeley Developer of radiative transfer parameterizations;
Liaison to CCSM
Don Dazlich Colorado State University Model Development
Charlotte DeMott Colorado State University Model evaluation
Paul DeMott Colorado State University Model Development - microphysics parameterization
Alan Scott Denning Colorado State University Director for Education and Outreach; Use of MMFs
to study the carbon cycle
Leo Donner Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA Development of improved MMFs
and improved conventional parameterizations
Grant Firl Colorado State University Development of subgrid-scale parameterization; low cloud-climate interactions
Andrew Gettelman National Center for Atmospheric Research Cloud-climate interactions
Steve Ghan Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Research on aerosols and cloud microphysics in climate change; External Advisory Panel
Wojciech Grabowski National Center for Atmospheric Research Development of improved CSRMs and MMFs
William Gustafson Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Cloud-climate interactions
Ross Heikes Colorado State University Model development
John Helly UC-San Diego, SDSC Director for Computation,
and liaison to SDSC
Andrew Heymsfield National Center for Atmospheric Research Parameterization of ice microphysics
Joon-Hee Jung Colorado State University Development of quasi-3D MMF
Marat Khairoutdinov Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook Development of CSRMs and MMFs
George Kiladis NOAA/ESRL MJO research
Masahide Kimoto Center for Climate Systems Research,
University of Tokyo, Japan
Scientific participant in CMMAP Workshops;
development of improved MMFs
Celal Konor Colorado State University Model development
Gabriel Kooperman UC-Irvine Physical processes & land surface
Sonia Kreidenweis Colorado State University Use of MMFs with aerosol and cloud microphysics
Steven Krueger University of Utah Development of improved MMFs
Zhiming Kuang Harvard University Development of improved cloud parameterizations
Christian Kummerow Colorado State University Liaison to TRMM and GPM;
use of these datasets for model evaluation
Eric Maloney Colorado State University Analysis of tropical general circulation
Roger Marchand University of Washington Model evaluation
Rachel McCrary National Center for Atmospheric Research Model evaluation
Hiroaki Miura Center for Climate Systems Research,
University of Tokyo, Japan
Development of GCRM
Chin-Hoh Moeng National Center for Atmospheric Research CMMAP Deputy Director
and Development of boundary-layer parameterizations
for use in the MMF
Mitchell Moncrieff National Center for Atmospheric Research Development of the MMF
Hugh Morrison National Center for Atmospheric Research Physical processes & cloud-climate interactions
Teruyuki Nakajim Center for Climate Systems Research,
University of Tokyo, Japan
Development of improved CSRMs
Tomoe Nasuno Frontier Research Project for
Global Change
, Japan
Scientific participant in CMMAP Workshops;
development of improved CSRMs
Rich Neale National Center for Atmospheric Research Develop process-oriented diagnostics for climate models, develop boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation diagnostics, and develop diagnostics for MJO forecasts.
Mikhail Ovtchinnikov Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Model evaluation
Ned Patton National Center for Atmospheric Research Improve the represenation of land processes and boundary-layer turbulence in the MMF
Robert Pincus University of Colorado Development of cloud parameterizations
Mike Pritchard UC-Irvine Model evaluation
David Randall Colorado State University Principal investigator;
further development of the MMF
Masaki Satoh Center for Climate Systems Research,
University of Tokyo, Japan
Development of improved MMFs
Verica Savic-Joycic University of California, Los Angeles Physical processes
Wayne Schubert Colorado State University Director for Knowledge Transfer;
further development of the MMF with an emphasis
on the choice of governing equations
Richard Somerville Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Development of cloud-radiation parameterizations
Bjorn Stevens Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Development of conventional parameterizations
Akamasa Sumi Center for Climate Systems Research,
University of Tokyo, Japan
Development of improved MMFs
Wei-Kuo Tao Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA Development of improved MMFs,
and application to data assimilation
Joao Teixeira NASA/JPL Testing MMF
Katharine Thayer-Calder National Center for Atmospheric Research Evaluation of simulated tropical atmospheric phenomena and development of improved convective parameterizations
Duane Waliser NASA/JPL MJO research
Minghuai Wang Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Research on aerosol indirect effects using the MMF
Chien-Ming Wu University of California, Los Angeles Cloud-climate interactions
Matt Wyant University of Washington, JISAO Application of MMF to low cloud feedback
Kuan-Man Xu Langley Research Center, NASA Development of boundary-layer parameterizations
for use in the MMF
Tak Yamaguchi NOAA/ESRL Analysis of the role of entrainment in cloud growth and decay
Minghua Zhang Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook Model evaluation
Chengzhu Zhang Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD Microphysics parameterization model development
