[Reports & Presentations]
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Theme Leaders :
Eric Maloney,
Duane Waliser
The Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) is a critical mode of atmospheric
variability at intra-seasonal timescales (nominally 30-90 days). Through
generating planetary waves (i.e., Rossby waves) the MJO exerts a strong
influence on extra-tropical weather. It is increasingly recognized as
influencing high-impact weather events in northern mid-latitudes, especially
in wintertime. The MJO adversely affects weather in the tropics by breaking
the precipitation regime of the Asian-Australian-African monsoon system
that is vital to the agriculture of the region. The MJO has even been linked
to the onset of El Nino, which has a remarkable world-wide impact on
weather and interannual climate variability. Yet, adequate knowledge of the
processes contributing to the initiation and maintenance of the MJO and
realistic simulations and predictions of the MJO remain major scientific
challenges for the weather/climate community.
Against this backdrop, the strategic objectives of the MJO Focus Theme are:
- to understand the role of multi-scale convective organization on the MJO;
- to evaluate high-resolution multi-scale numerical simulations with
emphasis on integrated satellite data and
new reanalysis products;
- to take analysis of Multiscale Modeling Framework (MMF) and Global
Cloud-system Resolving Models (GCRM)
to the next level of complexity (e.g.,
multi-scale organization, vertical structure, distribution of cloud types,
transport properties, etc);
- to improve the representation of the MJO in climate models and global
numerical weather prediction models.
Reports & Presentations
- January 2011 Team Meeting
- August 2010 Team Meeting
- January 2010 Team Meeting
- July 2009 Team Meeting
- January 2009 Team Meeting
- July 2008 Team Meeting
- January 2008 Team Meeting
- August 2007 Team Meeting
- February 2007 Team Meeting
Other meeting presentations found
MJO Email Archive
- Eric Maloney MJO breakout at CMMAP meeting, 1-6-11
- Eric Maloney MJO breakout agenda, 7-23-09
- Eric Maloney MJO session at upcoming CMMAP meeting, 6-22-09
- Mitch Moncrieff [Fwd: 89th Annual Meeting Abstract Deadline Extended!], 8-6-08
- Mitch Moncrieff MJO Breakout Session, 7-28-08
- Mitch Moncrieff Talks at MJO breakout?, 7-14-08
- Mitch Moncrieff, YOTC Sessions @ AGU 2008 & AMS 2009 --- PLEASE CIRCULATE, 7-11-08
- Chin-Hoh Moeng, a large-domain LES of tropical deep convection, 2-11-08
- Marat Khairoutdinov, Re: agenda MJO breakout, 1-15-08
- Marat Khairoutdinov, MJO breakout, 1102-08
- Mitch Moncrieff, MJO Breakout Session (CMMAP), 1-2-08
- Mitch Moncrieff, CLIVAR summit presentation, 8-6-07
- Marat Khairtoutdinov, MJO break-out agenda (updated), 8-6-07
- Marat Khairtoutdinov, MJO break-out agenda, 8-3-07
- Marat Khairtoutdinov, MJO break-out session, 7-31-07
- Kelley Wittmeyer, MJO Blog, 3-8-07
- Mitch Moncrieff,
Completed MJO Focus Theme White Paper, 2-27-07
- Mitch Moncrieff, MJO Focus Team,