
Working Groups
Link to CMMAP themes from years 1-5
Education, Outreach and Diversity
Knowledge Transfer
The research objectives follow the above working groups
as seen from this chart.
- 1 Further development of global models with diverse representations of
cloud processes
- 2 Further development and testing of improved parameterizations of
microphysics, turbulence and radiation
- 3 Application of CMMAP models to study multiscale interactions of the
atmosphere and land surface
- 4 Application of CMMAP models to study the coupled climate system
- 5 Analysis of cloud-related feedbacks on climate change
- 6 Management, analysis and visualization of very large model output
datasets -- creation of infrastructure
- 1 Enhance K-12 science education
- 2 Improve undergraduate climate education
- 3 Train the next generation of climate scientists
- 4 Engage the larger culture regarding climate
- 1 Recruit and support undergraduate and graduate students from
underrepresented groups
- 2 Implement programs that encourage retention of women, minorities and
the underrepresented in the science pipeline
- 3 Understand historical ethnic underrepresentation in climate science
- 4 Engage diverse communities in conversations about climate
Knowledge Transfer
- 1 Collaborate with CCSM on climate change simulations
- 2 Collaborations on global atmospheric model development
- 3 Create a national training resource for global modelers
- 4 Complete the launch of REACH - our nonprofit corporation