- 1 Extensions, evaluations and applications of the prototype MMF
- 2 Development of a second-generation MMF
- 3 Physical process parameterization
- 4 Innovative analysis, evaluation and interpretation of MMF results using
emerging datasets
- 5 Accelerating improvement of conventional parameterizations
- 6 Optimal use of computational and data storage resources
- 1 Enhance K-12 education
- 2 Outreach to climate stakeholders & policymakers
- 3 Improved undergraduate climate education
- 4 Improve graduate research and education
- 1 Recruit and support relevant Ph.D. candidates from underrepresented
- 2 Recruit and support relevant undergraduate students
- 3 Implement programs that encourage retention of women, minorities and
the under-served in the science pipeline
- 4 Study diversity problems and solutions, and disseminate results
Knowledge Transfer
- 1 Provide to climate modeling centers improved tools for the simulation of
global cloudiness, as well as innovative tools for the analysis of such
- 2 Provide improved cloud parameterizations to numerical weather prediction
- 3 Create an edited book on the history of global atmospheric modeling
- 4 Create a new all-electronic open-access journal for the publication of
research on global environmental modeling, including review articles and a
semi-popular section
- 5 Create and maintain a website containing a section designed to make
CMMAP results easily available to the scientific community and a section
designed to increase public understanding of issues in global climate