Knowledge-Transfer to Climate Modeling and NWP Centers
[Reports & Presentations]
[Mailing List Archive]
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Working Group Leader :
William Collins
CMMAP will work with our research partners to transfer CMMAP research results
and technologies into our national atmosphere modeling "infrastructure", for
both climate simulation and weather prediction. The Center's strategic
objectives for this theme are:
- to provide climate modeling centers improved tools for the simulation of
global cloudiness, as
well as innovative tools for the analysis of such
- to provide improved cloud parameterizations to numerical weather prediction centers;
- to create and maintain a website containing a section to make CMMAP results
easily available to the
scientific community and a section designed to
increase public understanding of issues in global modeling.
Any topics germane to this theme are appropriate for this discussion. Below is
a list of action items and recommendations from previous CMMAP meetings
related to this theme:
- Evaluation of the MMF-enabled SuperCAM model using the DOE CCPP-ARM
Parameterization Testbed (CAPT);
- Implementation of MMF technique in an existing NWP system;
- Comparisons of high-resolution simulations to equivalent simulations
carried out at coarse
resolution with MMF embed as the parameterization
(Big Brother experiments);
- Efforts to feed radiation, microphysics, and turbulence representations
developed for CMMAP
CSRMs into NWP model development;
- Efforts within the CCSM Working Groups to transfer to the CCSM the fruits
of CMMAP's research;
- Assimilation of observed statistics characterizing the mesoscale and
microscale spatial
structures of cloud fields;
- Efforts to foster feedback from centers to CMMAP on implications of
advanced parameterizations
for climate feedbacks, simulations of
past/present/future climate;
- Efforts to develop and support student and post-doctoral researcher
exchanges between CMMAP
and climate and NWP centers;
- Development of a student resource page on the CMMAP website.
Reports & Presentations
- August 2011 Team Meeting
- January 2011 Team Meeting
- August 2010 Team Meeting
- January 2010 Team Meeting
- January 2009 Team Meeting
- July 2008 Team Meeting
- January 2008 Team Meeting
- February 2007 Team Meeting
- Wayne Schubert presentation, Knowledge Transfer to NWP & Climate Modeling Centers
- Bill Collins, Theme Breakout Report
Other meeting presentations found
K-T to Climate Modeling and NWP Centers Email Archive
- William Collins, Presentations for CMMAP KT breakout, 1-6-11
- William Collins, Agenda for tomorrow morning's session, 1-12-10
- William Collins, Presentations for next week's meeting?, 1-7-10
- William Collins, Request for presentations for KT breakout Tuesday July 29, 7-17-08
- William Collins, Re: KT Telecon, Wed. Dec 19 at 9AM MST, 1-3-08
- William Collins, CMMAP <-> CFMIP 2, 12-19-07
- William Collins, [Fwd: Plans for CFMIP-2], 12-19-07
- Rodger Ames, KT Telecon, Wed. Dec 19 at 9AM MST, 12-13-07
- Rodger Ames, KT Telecon, 12-12-07
- Rodger Ames, KT Telecon Wednesday Nov 28, 1:30PM MST, 11-19-07
- Rodger Ames, October KT Telecon, 10-11-07
- Rodger Ames, KT Telecon, Monday July 30, 11:30 AM MDT, 7-30-07
- Rodger Ames, KT Telecon, Friday June 22, 10AM MDT, 6-20-07
- Rodger Ames, KT Telecon, Friday June 22, 10AM MDT, 6-12-07
- Kelley Wittmeyer, KT to Modeling & NWP Centers Blog, 3-8-07