Maike Ahlgrimm & David A. Randall; Colorado State University |
Clouds as Detected by GLAS, and Methods for Comparison with ECMWF
Model-Generated Clouds |
G. Bala, P. B. Duffy, & Marat Khairoutdinov; LLNL & Colorado State University |
Sensitivity of SP-CAM3 simulations to GCM resolution and the size of the CSRM
domain: Preliminary results |
Jim J. Benedict & David A. Randall; Colorado State University |
The Birth and Death of the MJO: An Observational Study |
Anning Cheng & Kuan-Man Xu; NASA Langley Research Center |
A New Parameterization of Momentum Transport by Organized Cumulus Clouds |
Robert Cifelli, Timothy Lang, Stephen Nesbitt, S. A. Rutledge, S. Lang &
W.K. Tao; Colorado State University |
The Role of Polarimetric Radar for Validating Cloud Models |
William Collins, Andy Vogelmann, M.P. Jensen, Guang Zhang, & E. Luke; NCAR |
Marine Stratus Analysis and Parameterization using MODIS Observations |
Charlotte A. DeMott & David A. Randall; Colorado State University |
Precipitation Characteristics in the CAM3 Using Traditional Cumulus
Parameterization and Cloud Resolving Models |
Paul J. DeMott; Colorado State University |
Revisiting parameterizations of ice nucleation in cloud models |
Zach Eitzen & Kuan-Man Xu; NASA Langley Research Center |
Modeling the Sensitivity of Tropical Deep Convection to Changes in
the Thermodynamic and Dynamic States |
Steven Ghan & Annette Koontz; Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Wind Shear Effects on Cloud-Radiation Feedback Simulated by the MMF |
Masahide Kimoto & Hiroaki Miura; CCSR |
Horizontal Resolution Dependency of a Radiative-convective Equilibrium
State of a Cloud System Resolving Model |
Steven K. Krueger & Michael A. Zulauf; Univerisity of Utah |
Radiatively-induced Anvil Spreading |
Yaping Li, Edward J. Zipser, Steven K. Krueger & Mike A. Zulauf;
University of Utah |
Evaluating Microphysics in Cloud-Resolving Models using TRMM and Ground-based
Precipitation Radar Observations |
Verica Savic-Jovcic & Bjorn Stevens; UCLA |
To what degree does the resolution matter? |
Michael D. Toy & David A. Randall; Colorado State University |
Design of an elastic, non-hydrostatic, multi-coordinate model:
Vertical staggerig -- Normal mode analysis -- 2D linear model results |
Chien-Ming Wu & Ario Arakawa; University of California, Los Angeles |
A Study of the Large-Scale Impact of Cloud-Scale Interactions Using a
Cloud-System Resolving Model |
Kuan-Man Xu & Yali Luo; NASA Langley Research Center |
Simulation of March 1998 Tropical Deep Convection Using the UCLA/LaRC CRM |
Takanobu Yamaguchi & David A. Randall; Colorado State University |
Large-Eddy Simulation of Cloud-Top Entrainment Instability |