October 2002 Workshop Presentations

Tuesday October 29
David Randall Introductory Overview
Wojciech Grabowski Update on Super-parameterization Work at NCAR
Marat Khairoutdinov Update on Super-parameterization Work at CSU
Akio Arakawa The Role of Super-parameterization
in the Cloud Parameterization Problem
Joon-Hee Jung A Preliminary Test of Super-parameterization
in an Idealized Framework
Graeme Stephens Cloud Parameterizations, Future
Observing Systems, Data Assimilation...
Chris Kummerow Cloud Parameterizations, Future Observing Systems,
Data Assimilation, and Weather Prediction
Leo Donner Parameterization and Super-parameterization:
Using Super-parameterization to Develop
Improved "Classical" Parameterizations
David Randall Computational Issues
Marat Khairoutdinov CAM Parallelism
David Randall Discussions of the Technical Issues
David Randall The STC Proposal Process