NSF Team | A Presentation to Site Visit Team |
Dave Randall | Rationale and Goals |
Dave Randall | Management |
Chin-Hoh Moeng | NCAR Subcontract Report |
Dave Randall | Strategic and Implementation Plan |
Dave Randall | Institutional Support |
Cindy Carrick | Reporting |
Dave Randall | Intellectual Property Agreement |
Cindy Carrick | Ethics Plan |
Dave Randall | Overall Successes and Issues |
Dave Randall | Research Goals |
Celal Konor | Design of a Global Cloud-Resolving Model (GCRM) |
Charlotte DeMott | Stratocumulus Clouds |
John Helly | Cyberinfrastructure |
Joon-Hee Jung | Development of a Quasi-3D MMF |
Marat Khairoutdinov | Evaluation of MMF using CAPT |
Steve Krueger & Chin-Hoh Moeng | Research Objective 4: Develop improved paramaterizations of boundary-layer clouds and turbulence for use in MMFs and GCRMs |
Hugh Morrison & Wojciech Grabowski | Progress in Cloud Microphysics |
Education & Diversity
Scott Denning | ED Management |
Knowledge Transfer
Rodger Ames | Management |
Wayne Schubert | Journal Project |